Ley 20mil - Pecos Bill - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Ley 20mil - Pecos Bill

Pecos Bill
Pecos Bill
Seguimos siendo raper que anegra
We're still rappers that darken,
El rap chileno esta es nuestra nueva respuesta
This Chilean rap is our new response,
Con que no se no escuche nuestra propia protesta
So that our own protest isn't heard,
En esta vida todo lo bueno cuesta
In this life, everything good comes at a cost.
Son los misiles tirando granadas
These are missiles throwing grenades,
Mi lengua es el filo que busca la espada
My tongue is the blade searching for the sword,
Cada canallada la pago muy cara
I pay dearly for every dirty trick,
Palabra que escribo la clavo parada
Every word I write, I nail down standing.
Besa la punta del pico en el acto
Kiss the tip of the beak in the act,
Borrame de tus contactos preparo mac nacro seria
Erase me from your contacts, I'm preparing serious mac nacro,
Mis letras son frias con tintas de brujeria
My lyrics are cold, with inks of witchcraft,
Sus gotas de picardia lo que tuman se han a mordia
Their drops of mischief, what they smoke, they've bitten into,
Hacerlo siemprecontrario lo que me gusta viva la rebeldia
Always doing the opposite of what I like, long live rebellion,
Navego por mares de redes alcansan mi sombra ver que no puieden
I navigate seas of nets, they reach my shadow, seeing they can't,
Intentan borrarme es un daño muy
They try to erase me, it's a very slight damage,
Leve fuerte y potente como grito de bebe
Strong and powerful, like a baby's cry.
Llevo tiempo en esto no me vengan a cuentiar a mi
I've been doing this for a while, don't come telling me stories,
Ya tengo 30 disparos que vienen a buscar aqui
I already have 30 shots coming for me here,
Van a rebotar tan fuerte como lo hace un iraqui
They're going to bounce back as hard as an Iraqi,
Luchando por su vida ni siquiera lo dejan vivir
Fighting for his life, they won't even let him live,
Asumo que cuesta mas que la cresta
I assume it costs more than the crest,
Por mas que lo busquen no encuentran respuestas
No matter how much they search, they find no answers,
Esto es pura demanda no importa la oferta sigo estos troyanos
This is pure demand, no matter the offer, I follow these Trojans,
No abran la puerta seguro te
Don't open the door, they'll surely infect you,
Infectan nunca lo detectan yo te hago la ele
They never detect it, I'll make you the L,
Lo que a mi respecta si no me respetas encuentro la rima perfecta
As far as I'm concerned, if you don't respect me, I'll find the perfect rhyme
Para repartirla en tu jeta
To deliver it to your face.
Seguimo siendo raper que anegra
We're still rappers that darken,
El rap chileno esta es nuestra nueva respuesta
This Chilean rap is our new response,
Con que no se no escuche nuestra propia protesta
So that our own protest isn't heard,
En esta vida todo lo bueno cuesta
In this life, everything good comes at a cost.
Donde estan? los que no quieren ver nunca mas este duo puntuo
Where are they? Those who never want to see this duo score again,
Saluo te manda jaimito de liri y te manda a lavar
Jaimito de Liri sends his regards and tells you to wash,
No se acumurona sus temas para no copiar
Don't accumulate your themes so as not to copy,
Para no dejan salir de misiles antigiles
So as not to let anti-agile missiles out,
El tren ni comienza a sonar
The train hasn't even started to sound,
Dimelo a la cara de santa cara bi fuckin no
Tell it to Santa Cara's face, bi fuckin' no,
Se aceptan canalla de doble falta no hay perdon
Double fault scoundrels are not accepted, there's no forgiveness,
No sirven tus balas aqui la musica me avala bro
Your bullets are useless here, the music backs me up, bro,
Sini de nuevo a sereno o el gallito toel mundo ment da lets go
I'm going back to being serene, or the rooster, the whole world gives me lets go.
Simpleisi sonamos ameisin so pleisi
Simpleisi we sound ameisin so pleisi,
Si tu mina se nos pela porque es iris y no mercy
If your girl peels off for us, it's because she's iris and no mercy,
Si le gusta este penchi de aqui no estamos en crisi
If she likes this penchi from here, we're not in crisi,
Mis rimas te engordan como el slot que tiene mi sifu
My rhymes fatten you up like the slot my sifu has,
Subo la cuesta nivel de protesta la cresta si no tienes tetas
I climb the slope, level of protest, the crest, if you don't have tits,
Nadie te contesta si avo esto te afecta te vamo a infectar
Nobody answers you, if this affects you, we're going to infect you,
Troyano regresa mamen esta presa vos tay en la mesa por barsa
Trojan returns, suck this prey, you're at the table by barsa,
Tu flow ma basura la duda que no se
Your flow is more garbage, the doubt that it doesn't
Discuta con vo hay un shan sine shan
Argue with you, there's a shan sine shan.

Авторы: Jaime Gajardo Pereira, Mario Carrasco Ortega

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