李劍青 - 出城 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни 李劍青 - 出城

Leaving Town
终于路过 你不止一次提起的 父辈们叫家乡的城
I've finally passed through the city your parents called home, the one you've mentioned more than once.
像许多拆了又盖的老地方 已无从追索它当年的模样
Like many old places that have been torn down and rebuilt, there's no way to know what it used to look like.
无所事事的男人啊 在台阶上坐着
Idle men sit on the steps,
终于隐没在老城 挣扎着亮起的灯光
finally swallowed up by the old city's struggling lights.
你没见过这儿起高楼吧 他们用老砖砌了新城墙
You never saw this city when the high-rises were built, when they used old bricks to build new city walls.
若是有人用乡音唤你 你会不晓得回头吧
If someone were to call out to you in the local dialect, you wouldn't know how to turn around.
有一天若你真的如愿回来 我猜想你会跟我一样
One day, if you do return as you wish, I imagine you'll be like me,
对记忆里的故乡 有更多憧憬渴望
with even more longing and desire for the hometown in your memories.
你这没回过的故乡风往北吹 人们在广场虚掷时光
This hometown you've never visited, the north wind blows through it, and the people waste their time in the square,
台球桌就横在路上 俗艳却热情的招牌 灯红的酒家
pool tables set up right in the street, gaudy but inviting signs, brightly lit taverns.
This place got a new name in 1955, before you were born,
姑娘们那时啊 正当貌美如花
when the girls were in the prime of their youth and beauty.
恋人出了城 别过青瓦的老屋顶
My love left town, said goodbye to the old tiled roofs,
不再去想许过 许了谁一世的光阴
no longer thinking about the promises we made, the lifetime we promised each other.
老人挨着墙根儿晒着太阳 我看失落他却平常 也许吧
An old man basks in the sun by the wall. He seems lost, but he's at peace. Maybe it's just that
he no longer wants to talk about the joys and sorrows shared by thousands of families.
奔波的年轻人落魄里求安稳 失落里还肯认真
The bustling young people seek stability in their misery, still searching for meaning in their despair.
要不是赶着路 当地的老乡说 这儿的烧酒不错
If I weren't in such a hurry, the locals say the liquor here is good.
They say if you don't get drunk, you're not allowed to leave.
来来往往寻常旧日的街坊 山居岁月遗忘了时光
Everyday old neighbors come and go, their mountain lives have made them forget the passage of time,
一次路过稍解游子半生惆怅 着色了苍白想象
and passing through once has eased half a lifetime of惆怅, adding color to my pale imagination.
电视里放着京剧 青衣的一句婉转念白
A Peking opera plays on the TV, the actress's voice婉转.
我正在思念于你 不想你就回来了 不想你就回来了
I was thinking of you. I didn't want you to come back. I didn't want you to come back.

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