Liber - Pomnik - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Liber - Pomnik

Zbuduja mi pomnik potem zburza
They'll build a monument to me, then tear it down,
Po nim innych pomnikow bedzie tu duzo
After it, there'll be many more monuments here
Te slowa dlugo nie posluza-
These words won't last long-
Jestem tylko teraz, ty to odbierasz.Witam/ x2
I am only here, you receive it. I greet you/ x2
1. To jest jak swieza sztuka miesa jutro nie dasz za nia pesa.
1. It's like fresh meat, tomorrow you won't give a dime for it.
Czas nas nie oszczedza, jak rok.
Time doesn't spare us, like a year.
Moze sa rok przeminiemy z wiatrem jak aktorzy w plonocym teatrze.
Maybe in a year we'll vanish with the wind, like actors in a burning theater.
Skazani na masakre, jak lakier zdarty, zzarty przez korozje.
Condemned to massacre, like paint stripped, eaten by corrosion.
Rap ma byc jak grecki nektari ambrozjak kto zje przetrwa;
Rap should be like Greek nectar and ambrosia; whoever eats it will survive;
Nie da sie zdeptac; przetrwa w slowie, jedna setna, jedna tysieczna.
It can't be trampled; it will survive in the word, one hundredth, one thousandth.
Reszta jopie bez imion, dla ktorych znicze juz sie nie dymia
The rest will fall without names, for whom the candles no longer smoke
Historia lubi tylko tych co wiedli prymion-niestety,
History only likes those who were the first-unfortunately,
Przywileje Boga nie poety.Pojda w ogien, wycinki z gazet i kasety-
Privileges of God, not a poet. They'll go up in flames, newspaper clippings, and cassettes-
Mam na to apetyt.Jak Sarmaci na kotlety,
I have an appetite for it. Like Sarmatians for cutlets,
By falszerze w kserze umieszczalime portrety.
So that forgers would put our portraits in a xerox.
By krytycy podniecali sie geniuszem mistrza.
So that critics would get excited about the genius of the master.
A pracy najciekawszych wystaw.
And the most interesting exhibitions of work.
Ref.Zbuduja mi pomnik potem zburza
Ref. They'll build a monument to me, then tear it down
Ponim innych pomnikow bedzie tu duzo.
After it, there'll be many more monuments here.
Te slowa dlugo nie posluza-
These words won't last long-
Jestem tylko teraz ty to odbierasz.Witam/x2
I am only here, you receive it. I greet you/x2
2. Tu sie zatrzymam gdzie zaczyna sie najwieksza z przygod.
2. I'll stop where the greatest adventure begins.
(Ja)Nieswiadomy i najlepszy wybor.Wydobycie krzyku-
(Me)Unconscious and the best choice. Extracting a scream-
Z rapowego szybum.Na pierwszej stronie w moim Archiwum
From a rap shibum. On the front page of my Archive
Widok pelnych trybun.Soczysty owoc, dobitne slowo na plytach
The view of full stands. Juicy fruit, expressive word on vinyl
To jest krzyk dekady mojej i twojej gromady.Witam
This is the cry of my decade and your crowd. I greet you
Oto czas na nasze hasla: raz na jeden, raz raz jedyny raz
This is the time for our slogans: once for one, just once
Zbuduja pomnik w darze dla potomnych, wysoko wzniosa posag.
They'll build a monument in gift for the descendants, they'll raise the statue high.
Piekny i ogromny.[potem zburza]I opadnie na ryj, jak Lenin
Beautiful and enormous. [then tear it down] And it will fall on its face, like Lenin
Polegnie w rewolucji, opusci Park zieleni, zmieni sie bohater.
It will fall in revolution, leave the Green Park, the hero will change.
Kolory slabe zrobia sie blade. W£A¦NIE TAKIE PRAWA RZ¡DZ¡ ¦WIATEM,
The feeble colors will become pale. SUCH LAWS RULE THE WORLD,
Zbuduja mi pomnik potem zburza
They'll build a monument to me, then tear it down
Po nim innych pomnikow bedzie tu duzo.
After it, there'll be many more monuments here.
Te slowa dlugo nie posluza-
These words won't last long-
Jestem tylko teraz ty to odbierasz.Witam/x2
I am only here, you receive it. I greet you/x2

Авторы: Dominik Grabowski, Marcin Piotrowski

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