Liberación - Dile A Tu Amiga Bonita - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Liberación - Dile A Tu Amiga Bonita

Dile A Tu Amiga Bonita
Tell Your Beautiful Friend
Dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz, que su partida me causo dolor
Tell your friend that I'm not happy, that her leaving caused me pain
Si Estoy llorando es que la verdad, recuerdo el tiempo cuando me dejo
If I'm crying, it's because the truth is, I remember the time when she left me
Quiza por otro por otra ilusion dile que yo no le guardo rencor
Maybe for another, for another illusion, tell her I hold no grudge
Solo quiero que vuelva junto a mi, dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz
I just want her to come back to me, tell your friend that I'm not happy
Nacen las canciones mas tristes de este
The saddest songs in this
Mundo, nacen las palabras, sentimientos
World are born, words are born, feelings
Mas profundos, nacen mil estrellas,
The deepest, a thousand stars are born,
Dile a tu amiga, que ella es una de ellas, yo la
Tell your friend, that she is one of them, I
Recuerdo y se que me recuerda
Remember her and I know she remembers me
Tantos momentos que pasamos juntos en
So many moments we spent together in
La noche viendo la luna salir y cupido
The night watching the moon rise and cupid
Se acerco y nos rezo para que todo nos valla bien, aun lo recuerdo
He came close and prayed to us that everything would go well for us, I still remember
Pero no entiendo esa palabra absurda,
But I don't understand that absurd word,
Decir no te quiero, seamos como amigos
To say I don't love you, let's be friends
Y se acaba este amor inmenso y mis
And this immense love ends and my
Versos ya no sirven para nada, si ella se llevo
Verses are no longer useful, if she took
Lo que en mi pecho aun guardaba,
What was still kept in my chest,
Esa mujer la que vive al costado de tu casa
That woman who lives next door to your house
Dile que aun la amo y que tiene mi confianza, olvido todo lo que paso,
Tell her that I still love her and that she has my trust, I forget everything that happened,
Aquel tiempo atrás, si ella vuelve junto a mi, no me importa nada mas
That time ago, if she comes back to me, nothing else matters
Dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz, que su partida me causo dolor
Tell your friend that I'm not happy, that her leaving caused me pain
Si Estoy llorando es que la verdad, recuerdo el tiempo cuando me dejo
If I'm crying, it's because the truth is, I remember the time when she left me
Quiza por otro por otra ilusion dile que yo no le guardo rencor
Maybe for another, for another illusion, tell her I hold no grudge
Solo quiero que vuelva junto a mi, dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz
I just want her to come back to me, tell your friend that I'm not happy
Si tu la vez porfavor,
If you see her please,
Dile que mis noches son de llanto mi vida, ya no es vida
Tell her that my nights are of crying, my life is no longer life
Y que sin ella ya no aguanto es que no
And that without her I can't take it anymore, you don't
Sabes como duele el estar sin ella ahora
Know how it hurts to be without her now
Ve y dile a tu amiga que mi vida se evapora
Go and tell your friend that my life is evaporating
Que poco a poco al recordar me pongo a
That little by little when I remember I start to
Llorar al despertar y no tenerla si lo
Cry when I wake up and not have her, if what
Que hago es extrañarla, en mis sueños yo la busco ella no esta, siento
I do is miss her, in my dreams I look for her, she is not there, I feel
Que me vuelvo loco por que me
That I'm going crazy because I
Imagino tocarla, y solo dile que aquel amor
Imagine touching her, and just tell her that that love
Que siempre me entrego,
That she always gave me,
Me da vida y que no vivo, desde que ella se marcho
Gives me life and that I don't live, since she left
Que si se equivoco,
That if she made a mistake,
Pues ya todo lo olvide y aquel pasado ya no importa
Well, I've already forgotten everything and that past no longer matters
Solo importa que la ame,
It only matters that I love her,
En sus brazos yo aprendi, lo que en verdad es amar
In her arms I learned, what it truly means to love
Y mi corazon sin ella ya no volvera a brillar, ya nada es suficiente
And my heart without her will never shine again, nothing is enough anymore
Ella reina aquí en mi mente,
She reigns here in my mind,
Nada ya tiene sentido solo se que ella esta ausente
Nothing makes sense anymore, I just know that she is absent
Dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz, que su partida me causo dolor
Tell your friend that I'm not happy, that her leaving caused me pain
Si Estoy llorando es que la verdad, recuerdo el tiempo cuando me dejo
If I'm crying, it's because the truth is, I remember the time when she left me
Quiza por otro por otra ilusion dile que yo no le guardo rencor
Maybe for another, for another illusion, tell her I hold no grudge
Solo quiero que vuelva junto a mi, dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz
I just want her to come back to me, tell your friend that I'm not happy
Y dile
And tell her
Que la extraño aunque pasen ya los años yo no he dejare de amarla
That I miss her even though the years go by, I will not stop loving her
Y desde que no estas
And since you're not here
Yo no soy capaz de querer a otra
I am not able to love another
Me siento como idiota llorando mi derrota
I feel like an idiot crying my defeat
Y tu me mentias, cuando me decias
And you lied to me, when you told me
Que tu me querias, que no me olvidarias
That you loved me, that you would not forget me
Que pa mi pa toda la vida
That for me for all my life
Me duele ya saber que no podre tener
It hurts me to know that I will not be able to have
Tener que envejecer con este dolor
To have to grow old with this pain
En mi corazon, tu eres la razon
In my heart, you are the reason
De mi perdicion, por eso y mucho mas,
Of my perdition, for that and much more,
No quiero que te alejes que jamas me dejes
I don't want you to leave, that you never leave me
Es que niña, tu me vuelves loco
It's that girl, you drive me crazy
Poco a poco siento que te toco y me
Little by little I feel that I touch you and I
Desenfoco cuando veo tu foto
I lose focus when I see your photo
Pegada en mi armario
Stuck in my closet
Te sueño a diario
I dream of you daily
Calmando este calvario
Calming this ordeal
Y solo dile, dile que yo no puedo vivir
And just tell her, tell her that I can't live
Sino la tengo en mi camino sera oscuro y gris
If I don't have her on my path, it will be dark and gray
Dile a tu amiga que no soy feliz, que su partida me causo dolor
Tell your friend that I'm not happy, that her leaving caused me pain
Si Estoy llorando es que la verdad, recuerdo el tiempo cuando me dejo
If I'm crying, it's because the truth is, I remember the time when she left me
Recuerdo el tiempo cuando me dejo
I remember the time when she left me
Llorando y sus pasos buscanco
Crying and her steps searching
Dile dile dile ...
Tell her, tell her, tell her ...
Esta es la lenta love rap
This is the slow love rap

Авторы: Homero Rodriguez Nunez

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