Lil Santana feat. El Sica - Regresa O Lo Mato - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lil Santana feat. El Sica - Regresa O Lo Mato

Regresa O Lo Mato
Come Back or I'll Kill Him
Que fácil se te hizo olvidarte
It was so easy for you to forget
De mi...
About me...
Tan fácil se te hizo alejarte
So easy for you to walk away
Just like that...
Tan difícil se me hizo encontrarte
It was so hard for me to find you
Tan fácil ahora tu te despides
So easily now you say goodbye
Y nunca me voy a olvidar
And I will never forget
Del individuo que te llevo
The guy who took you away
O vuelves conmigo o vueles conmigo
Either you come back with me or you fly with me
Desde aquel entonces mai, me siento negativo
Since then, babe, I feel negative
No es que me quiera guillar mai tampoco
It's not that I want to act tough, babe, nor
De agresivo, pero si lo pillo, no lo dejo vivo
Aggressive, but if I catch him, I won't leave him alive
Le paso el recibo
I'll give him the receipt
Avísale si vuelves conmigo
Let him know if you're coming back with me
Si lo veo por ahí rondando
If I see him hanging around
Cojo y le paso recibo
I'll grab him and give him the receipt
Los celos me están matado, ya no se ni por que calle ando
Jealousy is killing me, I don't even know which street I'm walking on
Cansado de buscarte, a veces solo dialogando
Tired of looking for you, sometimes just talking to myself
No es mi corazón, mi subconsciente me esta hablando
It's not my heart, my subconscious is talking to me
Que me estoy trastornando como paciente mental
That I'm going crazy like a mental patient
Sume, reste y nunca me dio el total
I add, subtract and it never gave me the total
Deje de pensar, mi corazón para ya de trotar
Stop thinking, my heart, stop racing
Si no eres de mi propiedad, con más nadie tu vas a estar
If you're not mine, you won't be with anyone else
Ando con sed de venganza, por eso lo salí a matar
I'm thirsty for revenge, that's why I went out to kill him
Le voy a meter si no regresas
I'm going to get him if you don't come back
Advertencia no lo tomes de sorpresa
Warning, don't take it by surprise
Avísale si en verdad te intereza
Let him know if you really care
Si quieres que te siga llevando nutela y fresas
If you want me to keep bringing you Nutella and strawberries
Tu que me conoces bien, yo nunca rompo las promesas
You who know me well, I never break promises
Porque soy super celoso me molestan tus amigos
Because I'm super jealous, your friends bother me
Más tu esposo, por eso de costumbre, el que da coso
More so your husband, that's why, usually, the one who messes around
Hoy vine a buscarte con la cara mala y los ojos llorosos
Today I came to find you with a mean face and teary eyes
La mente sucia y el corazón hecho en trozos
A dirty mind and a heart broken into pieces
Tan difícil se me hizo encontrarte
It was so hard for me to find you
Tan fácil ahora tu te despides
So easily now you say goodbye
Y nunca me voy a olvidar
And I will never forget
Del individuo que te llevo
The guy who took you away
O vuelves conmigo o vueles conmigo
Either you come back with me or you fly with me
Desde aquel entonces mai, me siento negativo
Since then, babe, I feel negative
No es que me quiera guillar mai tampoco
It's not that I want to act tough, babe, nor
De agresivo, pero si lo pillo, no lo dejo vivo
Aggressive, but if I catch him, I won't leave him alive
Le paso el recibo
I'll give him the receipt
Avisam¿le si vuelves conmigo
Let him know if you're coming back with me
Si lo veo por ahí rondando
If I see him hanging around
Cojo y le paso recibo
I'll grab him and give him the receipt
Hablando claro niñita me tienes en un desespero
Speaking clearly, baby girl, you have me desperate
Diciendo que ahora eres toda de él, mi reina pero...
Saying that now you're all his, my queen, but...
Yo no lo supero, so dile al tipo que haga un maletero
I can't get over it, so tell the guy to pack a suitcase
Y empaca antes que yo le haga un reguero
And pack before I make a mess of him
No se si esto es obsesión
I don't know if this is obsession
O es que estoy cayendo en depresión
Or if I'm falling into depression
Que quisiera matarme, pero no es opción
That I want to kill myself, but that's not an option
Ya no quieres una interacción
You don't want any interaction anymore
Y ya no me miras ni por redes ni televisión
And you don't even look at me on social media or television
Y dice que ya no me ama, pero sabe que adentro tiene llama
And you say you don't love me anymore, but you know you have a flame inside
Y aunque me lo niegues, se que eres tu quien llama
And even if you deny it, I know it's you who calls
En las noches en restringido, también se que se amor es fingido
At night, with a restricted number, I also know that this love is fake
Que tu no lo amas y me recuerdas de seguido
That you don't love him and you remember me often
Y dime si va a volver
And tell me if you're coming back
Por que no se que voy hacer
Because I don't know what I'm going to do
Solo quiero darte amor y tu tras de el
I just want to give you love and you're after him
Si yo no te veo, tampoco lo vas a ver
If I don't see you, you won't see him either
Tan difícil se me hizo encontrarte
It was so hard for me to find you
Tan fácil ahora tu te despides
So easily now you say goodbye
Y nunca me voy a olvidar
And I will never forget
Del individuo que te llevo
The guy who took you away
O vuelves conmigo o vueles conmigo
Either you come back with me or you fly with me
Desde aquel entonces mai, me siento negativo
Since then, babe, I feel negative
No es que me quiera guillar mai tampoco
It's not that I want to act tough, babe, nor
De agresivo, pero si lo pillo, no lo dejo vivo
Aggressive, but if I catch him, I won't leave him alive
Le paso el recibo
I'll give him the receipt
Avísale si vuelves conmigo
Let him know if you're coming back with me
Si lo veo por ahí rondando
If I see him hanging around
Cojo y le paso recibo
I'll grab him and give him the receipt
Si si si soy yo
Yes yes yes it's me
El Sica
El Sica
Lil Santana
Lil Santana
Bebe donde te pille
Baby wherever I catch you
El chamaquito ese
That little boy
Te lo voy a mandar en caja
I'm going to send him to you in a box
Yancy El Armonico
Yancy El Armonico
Full Armoni
Full Armoni

Lil Santana feat. El Sica - Regresa o Lo Mato
Regresa o Lo Mato
дата релиза

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