Lil Skar - V@pevapevape Interliudas - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lil Skar - V@pevapevape Interliudas

V@pevapevape Interliudas
V@pevapevape Interlude
(I love you, Mdnght)
(I love you, Mdnght)
Supykai, nepažinau, nepažinau, nepažinau
You got mad, I didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you
Nepažinau, nepažinau, nepažinau (Leggo!)
Didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you (Leggo!)
Sorry, tavęs nemačiau, nemačiau, nemačiau
Sorry, I didn't see you, I didn't see you, I didn't see you
nemačiau, nemačiau, nemačiau
I didn't see you, I didn't see you, I didn't see you
Palaikau žemą profilį
Keeping a low profile
Jūs prieš mus tokie maži
You're so small against us
Instagram'e ji tokia graži
She's so beautiful on Instagram
Expectation'ai realybėje labai aukšti
Expectations in reality are very high
Ne, nepasiduosim - mes išliksime nepalaužti
No, we won't give up - we'll remain unbroken
Čia veikla nelegali? Papalinu truputi, viskas čia normaliai
Is this activity illegal? I'll smooth things over a bit, everything's normal here
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
(Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
bandžiau užtildyti juos, bet tie demonai, jie nuolat kalba manyje
I tried to silence them, but those demons, they constantly talk to me
(Manyje, manyje)
(To me, to me)
Tu nepasikeisi
You won't change
Nuolatos bandau laimėti kovą savyje (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
I constantly try to win the battle within myself (Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah)
Niekad nesilyginu, nes matau tiktai pyktį ir pagiežą tavyje
I never compare myself, because I only see anger and resentment in you
Ko tu taip parinies? (Uh)
Why are you so upset? (Uh)
Vėl įsidarbines, uh
Got a job again, uh
Naktinis režimas
Night mode
Gaunu cash - apibrėžimas
I get cash - definition
Mersas nuliovas? Ne, ne - vėžimas
Brand new Mercedes? No, no - a wreck
Kelsiu fanierą, kol būsiu žilas
I'll raise hell until I'm gray
Eurai įkrito ir sirupas pilas
Euros came in and the syrup is pouring
Louie pacop'insiu, poppinsiu pill'us
I'll be copping Louie, popping pills
Louie pacop'insiu, poppinsiu pill'us (Britt!)
I'll be copping Louie, popping pills (Britt!)
Supykai, nepažinau, nepažinau, nepažinau
You got mad, I didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you
Nepažinau, nepažinau, nepažinau
Didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you, didn't recognize you
Sorry, tavęs nemačiau, nemačiau, nemačiau
Sorry, I didn't see you, I didn't see you, I didn't see you
nemačiau, nemačiau, nemačiau
I didn't see you, I didn't see you, I didn't see you
(Vape, vape, vape, vape, vape)
(Vape, vape, vape, vape, vape)
Nepatiks, tiks, tiks
Won't like it, will, will
Tuoj, patiks
Soon, will like it
žinau jis tau netiks, tiks, tiks (Aš ne jis)
I know he won't fit you, will, will (I'm not him)
Susukau gramus six, six, six
I rolled up six grams, six, six, six
Pasikūriau, palinau - kol nebeliks, liks, liks
I smoked up, chilled - until it's gone, gone, gone
Hittinu licks, licks, licks (Pew)
Hittin' licks, licks, licks (Pew)
Tau nepatinka kaip judu?
You don't like how I move?
Tai nejudėk kartu (Aha)
Then don't move with me (Aha)
nepamenu, nepamenu veidų (Yeah)
I don't remember them, I don't remember their faces (Yeah)
X'ą papop'inau tai dabar burnoj kartu (Hah)
Popped an X so now it's in my mouth too (Hah)
Skaičiai nesvarbu, nesiskundžiu skurdu
Numbers don't matter, I don't complain about poverty

Авторы: Dovas Fedaravičius

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