Lil Skar - Zip Freestyle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lil Skar - Zip Freestyle

Zip Freestyle
Zip Freestyle
Pasikūręs porą kosų čia freestyle'inu
Rolled a couple of joints, freestyling here
Nepatinka jiems new wave'as tai tu sedėk su Stalinu
They don't like new wave, so go sit with Stalin
Yeah, retai būnu blaivas, ou
Yeah, I'm rarely sober, ou
Kuriame čia dainas
We're making songs here
Sako čiuvas papullup'ins, bet jo ginklas yra laidas, ah
They say the dude will pull up, but his weapon is a wire, ah
Reik neprisigauti
Gotta stay in control
Ji sako nori paragauti
She says she wants a taste
Apie prekybą jūs deliojat, bet nežinot kur gauti
You talk about dealing, but you don't know where to get it
Bandė mane čiuvas pafiness'inti, apgauti
Dude tried to finesse me, deceive me
Aferisto neapgausi, tu paslėpk savo Audi
You can't fool a hustler, hide your Audi, girl
Yeah, PayPal'ų daug, uh, uh - porą užblokuota
Yeah, lots of PayPals, uh, uh - a couple blocked
neswipe'insiu tos kortos, nes atrodo, kad brokuota
I won't swipe that card, looks broken to me
Tavo čiolė buvo papista ir papasuota
Your chick was used and abused, baby
Va kas būna kai čia perki tačkę panaudota
That's what happens when you buy used here
Ha, ble ten ne porą mylių
Ha, damn, that's not a couple of miles
Ji sako "myliu", nutyliu
She says "I love you", I stay silent
Čiut Walgreen'o užsipyliau
Almost filled up at Walgreens
Shh, shh, tu gal tyliau
Shh, shh, you better be quiet
(Ble seni gal žinai kur sirupuko kokio pasippint kažką?)
(Damn bro, you know where to get some syrup to sip on or something?)
Ne, ne, ne, nežinau, viską keep'inu čia low
No, no, no, I don't know, I keep everything low
Yeah, kas žino, tas ir žino - nesiplėsiu per daug
Yeah, those who know, they know - I won't elaborate too much
Yah, yah, kas žino, tas ir žino, kad geriau primesti broke
Yah, yah, those who know, they know, it's better to pretend you're broke
Nes kai kalytę čia gydau, ji nesitiki per daug
Because when I'm treating a girl right, she doesn't expect too much
Ir kai kalytę čia gydau, ji pasitiki per daug (Yah, yah)
And when I'm treating a girl right, she trusts too much (Yah, yah)
Lenda ji per daug, tai išmečiau lauk
She's getting too involved, so I kicked her out
Man nepatinka bachūrėliai kur ten primeta fake woke
I don't like guys who pretend to be woke
Iki bankomato judu dažniau negu į šūlę, ha
I go to the ATM more often than to the toilet, ha
Žvengiame su plug'u, nes dropoutinti pasiūlė
Laughing with the plug, 'cause he offered to drop out
Yeah, Rick Owens'o batukai - jie susiūti su dvisiūle
Yeah, Rick Owens sneakers - they're double stitched
Yeah, išožino draugelius tai ten prie PK sukūlė
Yeah, she cheated on her friends, so they beat her up near the PK
Žaidžia ji su mano kamuoliais, bet čia ne fūlė
She's playing with my balls, but this ain't soccer
Mažas tu paukštelis gal tu eik ten ciuce liule
You little bird, go suck a lullaby
Ah, įpisau tris, uh, Pfizer'io piliules, ah
Ah, I popped three, uh, Pfizer pills, ah
Tai neklausk manęs kodėl plote ten išgriuvęs
So don't ask me why I collapsed there
Line'ai trys, gal ir keturi
Three lines, maybe four
Pasiimk tu gėrimuką, jei ant savęs tu turi
Grab a drink, if you got some on you
Yeah, zip'ą supalinau
Yeah, I finished the zip
Ji Bape zip'o užsimanė, nu
She wanted a Bape zip, well
Kale dink tu akių
Bitch, get out of my sight
Gatvėm ji, ne man, ne jum
She belongs to the streets, not me, not you
Bet dvidurė kaip kamanė, nu
But two-door like a bumblebee, well
mergytę mes praganėm, nu
We drove that girl away, well
Išsitiesino ji plaukus, bet patinka kai garbanė, nu
She straightened her hair, but I like it curly, well
Davė dūmų pratestuoti tai pripalinau normaliai
Gave me some smoke to try, so I packed a bowl properly
Jiem patinka žiūrinėti kiek ten šlamančių kišenėj, nu
They like to watch how much cash is in my pocket, well
Mes ten blet sistemoje vardeniai pavardeniai
We're like, first names, last names, in the system, man
Ka sakyti norėjau, pamiršau - kalti ten xan'iai, nu
What I wanted to say, I forgot - blame the Xans, well

Авторы: Dovas Fedaravičius

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