Lildami feat. Emotional G - Criminals - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Emotional G - Criminals

Ira, carga, entra, pilla, esquiva, corre, gasta
Rage, load, enter, grab, dodge, run, spend
Va, no t′ho pensis
Go, don't think about it
Tira, carga, entra, pilla, esquiva, corre, gasta
Shoot, load, enter, grab, dodge, run, spend
Baby he pensat que hem de deixar de fer-nos mal
Baby, I've been thinking we should stop hurting each other
Em fas molt feliç, però no podem seguir igual
You make me so happy, but we can't go on like this
M'he cansat de fugir, d′esquivar i de ferir
I'm tired of running, dodging and hurting
Que depengui de la sort veure el sol cada matí
Of depending on luck to see the sun every morning
Els criminals també s'enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
Els criminals també s'enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
Deixem-ho ara que encara estem a tеmps
Let's leave it now while we still have time
La vida que portem m′està matant
The life we lead is killing me
Parlеm després, que ara no és el moment
We'll talk later, I know now is not the time
Manos arriba, hem vingut a atracar el banc
Hands up, we've come to rob the bank
I no és la vida que volia ni la que havia
And it's not the life I wanted or the one I had
Somiat, amb una nova identitat quan canviem de ciutat
Dreamed of, with a new identity when we change cities
I això em cansa, però vull estar amb tu
And this tires me, but I want to be with you
Formar una família on no ens conegui ningú
Start a family where no one knows us
I aquesta serà l′última aventura plegats
And this will be the last adventure together
Quan sortim repartim el botí i ho deixem estar
When we leave we split the loot and leave it at that
Saps que que t'estimo i que lo nostre és forever
You know I love you and that ours is forever
Però necessito agafar una direcció contrària a la teva
But I need to take a direction opposite to yours
Baby he pensat que hem de deixar de fer-nos
Baby, I've been thinking we should stop hurting each other
Mal, em fas molt feliç, però no podem seguir igual
You make me so happy, but we can't go on like this
M′he cansat de fugir, d'esquivar i de ferir
I'm tired of running, dodging and hurting
Que depengui de la sort veure el sol cada matí
Of depending on luck to see the sun every morning
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
I jo et demano en aquest moment
And I ask you at this moment
Mira'm als ulls, mira′m als ulls, em sents?
Look me in the eyes, look me in the eyes, do you hear me?
I em pregunto per què cony ho hem fet
And I wonder why the hell we did it
Si sabíem que aniria així de malament
If we knew it would go this badly
I baixo l′arma, perdo la calma
And I lower my weapon, I lose my cool
Aixeco les mans, però corro fins on ets
I raise my hands, but I run to where you are
No qui soc, no em reconec, no em reconec
I don't know who I am, I don't recognize myself, I don't recognize myself
Ho he perdut tot, la sort, el valor
I've lost everything, luck, courage
Les ganes de viure, la pena i la por
The desire to live, the sorrow and the fear
L'estiu, la tardor
Summer, autumn
El batec del teu cor i per sobre de tot el nostre amor
The beat of your heart and above all our love
Baby he pensat que hem de deixar de fer-nos
Baby, I've been thinking we should stop hurting each other
Mal, em fas molt feliç, però no podem seguir igual
You make me so happy, but we can't go on like this
M′he cansat de fugir, d'esquivar i de ferir
I'm tired of running, dodging and hurting
Que depengui de la sort veure el sol cada matí
Of depending on luck to see the sun every morning
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
Baby he pensat que hem de deixar de fer-nos
Baby, I've been thinking we should stop hurting each other
Mal, em fas molt feliç, però no podem seguir igual
You make me so happy, but we can't go on like this
M'he cansat de fugir, d′esquivar i de ferir
I'm tired of running, dodging and hurting
Que depengui de la sort veure el sol cada matí
Of depending on luck to see the sun every morning
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
Els criminals també s′enamoren
Criminals also fall in love
(They fall in love)
Tira, carga, entra, pilla, esquiva, corre, gasta
Shoot, load, enter, grab, dodge, run, spend
Va, no t′ho pensis
Go, don't think about it
Tira, carga, entra, pilla, esquiva, corre, gasta
Shoot, load, enter, grab, dodge, run, spend
Va, no t'ho pensis
Go, don't think about it

Авторы: Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Lildami feat. Emotional G - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
дата релиза

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