Lildami feat. La Casa Azul - Tot - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. La Casa Azul - Tot

I quan acabi tot, demanaré perdó
And when everything ends, I will ask for forgiveness
Pel que vaig fer malament però sobretot pel que no
For what I did wrong, but especially for what I didn't
Vam arribar a fer
We got to do
Per resar de genolls quan mai havia tingut fe
To pray on my knees when I never had faith
Quan ens diguem adéu i s'acabi la humanitat
When we say goodbye and humanity ends
I la natura reclami la ciutat
And nature reclaims the city
Tinc endreçat el pis si tornes sense avís
I have the apartment tidy if you come back unannounced
Perquè el desordre el porto a dins
Because the mess I carry inside
Cantem una cançó que ningú escoltarà
Let's sing a song that no one will hear
Cridem a pulmó que todo nos da igual
Let's scream at the top of our lungs that we don't care about anything
Nem a cremar diners com si no hi hagués demà
Let's go burn money like there's no tomorrow
Si d'aquí a mil anys ningú se'n recordarà
If in a thousand years no one will remember
Com costa ser sincer i dir que et trobo a faltar
How hard it is to be sincere and say that I miss you
Ara que els dies se'm fan curts i les nits el doble de llarg
Now that the days are getting shorter and the nights twice as long
Ens vam passar 12 fases lunars perseguint el mateix
We spent 12 lunar phases chasing the same thing
Però resulta que corríem en camins oposats
But it turns out we were running on opposite paths
A la part de la peli on Truman fa xocar el vaixell amb la paret
In the part of the movie where Truman crashes the boat into the wall
M'adono que tot el que fet no serveix de res
I realize that everything I've done is useless
Em sento el soldadet, el valent, l'heroi de la peli
I feel like the little soldier, the brave one, the hero of the movie
El detectiu que no resol cap misteri (No!)
The detective who doesn't solve any mystery (No!)
Només espero llevar-me demà i veure que la llavor ha brotat
I just hope to wake up tomorrow and see that the seed has sprouted
Veure que sí, per fi, dona fruit l'arbre que vaig plantar
To see that yes, finally, the tree I planted bears fruit
Pensant que els últims anys m'han passat ràpid com si anessin a sprint
Thinking that the last few years have gone by quickly as if they were sprinting
Que les llegendes moren joves i jo ja en tinc 25
That legends die young and I'm already 25
Diga'm en qui confiar
Tell me who to trust
Si follem i em tiba de les rastes per veure si són reals
If we fuck and she pulls my dreadlocks to see if they're real
Tantes coses a dir i em passo tant temps callat
So many things to say and I spend so much time silent
Que quan ho faig ho haig de gravar
That when I do I have to record it
Cantem una cançó que ningú escoltarà
Let's sing a song that no one will hear
Cridem a pulmó que todo nos da igual
Let's scream at the top of our lungs that we don't care about anything
Nem a cremar diners com si no hi hagués demà
Let's go burn money like there's no tomorrow
Si d'aquí a mil anys ningú se'n recordarà
If in a thousand years no one will remember
Vola, ara agafa embranzida i pren el vol sense esperar
Fly, now take momentum and take flight without waiting
I recorda que la vida no torna a començar, no torna
And remember that life doesn't start over, it doesn't
Vola, sense saber cap on bufa el vent tu deixa't emportar
Fly, without knowing where the wind blows, let yourself be carried away
I recorda que la vida no torna a començar, no torna
And remember that life doesn't start over, it doesn't
Soc un ignorant per seguir el mateix plan
I'm ignorant for following the same plan
D'enfonsar-me amb el barco com si fos el capitán
To sink with the ship as if I were the captain
Cada cop me la sua més la pasta, això em fa feliç
I care less and less about money, that makes me happy
Em paguen per això i no saben que ho faria gratis
They pay me for this and they don't know that I would do it for free
Bona notícia, estem on somiàvem ahir, però
Good news, we are where we dreamed of yesterday, but
La mala notícia és que vam triar un mal camí
The bad news is that we chose the wrong path
Pensaments ronden el meu cap i en fi
Thoughts wander through my head and well
La gent li dona més voltes a fer-se un tattoo que a tenir un fill
People give more thought to getting a tattoo than having a child
Si vols fer-me fora d'aquí hauràs de preparar un pla
If you want to get me out of here you'll have to prepare a plan
Estic disposat a sortir amb els peus per endavant
I'm willing to go out with my feet first
I si ens trobem a l'ascensor i et dic què tal
And if we meet in the elevator and I say how are you
No és que m'interessi és que menteixo quan no cal
It's not that I care, it's that I lie when I don't have to
Per aquí baix estem fotuts
Down here we're fucked
Els de dalt ens fan empassar merda i el futur pinta molt cru
The ones above make us swallow shit and the future looks very raw
Però quan s'acabi tot i s'apagui la llum del Sol
But when it's all over and the Sun's light goes out
Omple el pulmó i
Fill your lungs and
Cantem una cançó que ningú escoltarà
Let's sing a song that no one will hear
Cridem a pulmó que todo nos da igual
Let's scream at the top of our lungs that we don't care about anything
Nem a cremar diners com si no hi hagués demà
Let's go burn money like there's no tomorrow
Si d'aquí a mil anys ningú se'n recordarà
If in a thousand years no one will remember
Que ja estic fart d'haver d'estar esperant
That I'm tired of having to be waiting
Que el que no fem nosaltres no ens ho donaran
That what we don't do, they won't give us
Que era mentida, que no ens volien
That it was a lie, that they didn't want us
Només somriuen i ens animen si tenim el cap ben acotat
They only smile and encourage us if we have our heads down
I m'és igual, jo no vull fer el que em demanen perquè
And I don't care, I don't want to do what they ask me to because
Tot aquest soroll que hi ha aquí fora m'esvera massa
All this noise out here scares me too much
I saps què passa? La plata s'esgota
And you know what? Money runs out
Però la vida no torna a començar, no torna
But life doesn't start over, it doesn't
Vola, ara agafa embranzida i pren el vol sense esperar
Fly, now take momentum and take flight without waiting
I recorda que la vida no torna a començar, no torna
And remember that life doesn't start over, it doesn't
Vola, sense saber cap on bufa el vent tu deixa't emportar
Fly, without knowing where the wind blows, let yourself be carried away
I Dami recorda que la vida no torna a començar, no torna
And Dami remember that life doesn't start over, it doesn't

Авторы: Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

Lildami feat. La Casa Azul - Viatge en espiral
Viatge en espiral
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