Lildami feat. Emotional Goku - Exit - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Emotional Goku - Exit

Ara em veus i dius "què tal, com va?"
Now you see me and say, "Hey, how's it going?"
Saps de sobres va tot
You know damn well everything's fine
El meu cor per la meitat
My heart is in two
Però jo segueixo sencer
But I'm still whole
Si creies en Déu li donaria les gràcies perquè va tot
If I believed in God, I'd thank him because everything's good
Però crec en mi, no
But I believe in myself, I don't know
Tot el que dic va a missa
Everything I say is gospel
Però no soc religió
But I'm not a religion
Perquè vaig creure en això quan no hi havia més opcions
Because I believed in that when there were no other options
Hores d'estudi, gravant fins que surti algo bo
Hours of studying, recording until something good comes out
I si estic al top, és per mi i pels meus collons
And if I'm at the top, it's because of me and my balls
Parlar de mi es molt fàcil, fer-ho com jo no gaire
Talking about me is easy, doing it like me, not so much
Si em paguessin les hores que dedico això, rolaria en Cadillac
If I got paid for the hours I put into this, I'd be rolling in a Cadillac
Els malsons del meu cap em diuen "Dami has d'espavilar"
The nightmares in my head tell me, "Dami, you gotta hustle"
Jo mirant el panorama des de dalt com àguila
Me looking at the panorama from above like an eagle
La veu del rap en català
The voice of Catalan rap
Digues qui em pararà
Tell me who's gonna stop me
Pensant en els que estan avui, demà no si hi seran
Thinking about those who are here today, I don't know if they'll be here tomorrow
El temps corre en contra meva i que guanyarà
Time is running against me and I know it will win
Per això aprofito cada dia com si no hi hagués demà
That's why I make the most of every day as if there were no tomorrow
Dimonis al meu cap
Demons in my head
No diamants al coll
Not diamonds on my neck
Però ara estem tan amunt que m'he begut l'aigua del got
But now we're so high up that I've drunk the water from the glass
Dedicat als que abans em volien ben a baix a sot
Dedicated to those who used to want me way down in the pit
Però l'únic que em van fer va ser més fort
But all they did was make me stronger
I ara mano sobre tot el que faig (Tot el que faig)
And now I rule over everything I do (Everything I do)
M'agrada volar lliure mentre us veig tot a baix
I like to fly free while I see you all down below
Ningú confiava en el que estic aconseguint
Nobody believed in what I'm achieving
Però he descobert que l'èxit el portem tots a dins
But I've discovered that we all carry success within us
Els tattoos de la meva pell parlen per mi
The tattoos on my skin speak for me
He après a mirar els demés i només el meu melic
I've learned to look at others and only my own navel
Em diuen "Dami fot-li dur, tu has de ser l'escollit"
They tell me, "Dami, go hard, you have to be the chosen one"
Però si el podi et portà a l'odi tranqui el quedo aquí
But if the podium leads to hate, I'm cool staying here
Porto rimant des de els 14 i ja van 23
I've been rhyming since I was 14 and I'm already 23
I no suporto que em diguin que el que tinc va sense fer res
And I can't stand it when they tell me that what I have came without doing anything
Un saludo la Toni Pla, que no en coneixia de res
Shout out to Toni Pla, who I didn't know at all
Em va obrir les portes de casa
He opened the doors of his house to me
Em va ensenyar a gravar i tres anys després
He taught me how to record and three years later
He multiplicat pa i peix, però no el crec Jesús
I've multiplied bread and fish, but I don't believe in Jesus
Hauran de currar més fort si em volen veure a la cruz
They'll have to work harder if they want to see me on the cross
No tinc una disquera ni un mànager al darrera
I don't have a record label or a manager behind me
Un micro i un portàtil em sobren per fer carrera
A microphone and a laptop are more than enough for me to make a career
Sóc l'exemple de fer música sense saber-ne res
I'm an example of making music without knowing anything
I que dóna igual que sigui en català, castellà o anglès
And it doesn't matter if it's in Catalan, Spanish or English
Dedicat als que abans em volien ben a baix, al sot
Dedicated to those who used to want me way down, in the pit
Però l'únic que em va fer va ser més fort
But all they did was make me stronger
Dami boy
Dami boy
I ara mano sobre tot el que faig (Tot el que faig)
And now I rule over everything I do (Everything I do)
M'agrada volar lliure mentre us veig tot a baix
I like to fly free while I see you all down below
Ningú confiava en el que estic aconseguint
Nobody believed in what I'm achieving
Però he descobert que l'èxit el portem tots a dins
But I've discovered that we all carry success within us
I ara mano sobre tot el que faig
And now I rule over everything I do
M'agrada volar lliure mentre us veig a tots a baix
I like to fly free while I see you all down below
Ningú confiava en el que estic aconseguint
Nobody believed in what I'm achieving
Però he descobert que l'èxit el portem tots a dins
But I've discovered that we all carry success within us
Imparable boy
Unstoppable boy
Lildami boy, boy
Lildami boy, boy
No sé, sortim de l'espai
I don't know, let's get out of here
Emotional Goku, we are
Emotional Goku, we are
Som imparable, boy
We are unstoppable, boy
La meva gent és imparable
My people are unstoppable
I si està escoltant això
And if you're listening to this
Ets imparable
You are unstoppable

Авторы: Lil Dami

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