Lildami feat. Kid Pi, Sr. Chen & Emotional G - Nach - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Kid Pi, Sr. Chen & Emotional G - Nach

Si em fas triar, pues ja difusa m'agrada
If you make me choose, well, hazy is already my favorite
Un dia en subúrbà també, no està mal
A day in the suburbs too, it's not bad
Però a través de mi és com un viatge en el temps
But through me it's like a journey through time
Súper heavy, no ho
Super heavy, I don't know
Podríem anar al proper bolo junts, o com?
Could we go to the next gig together, or what?
Yeah, oh
Yeah, oh
Te voy a cantar una canción de Nach a ver si follamos ya, ya
I'm going to sing you a Nach song to see if we can fuck already, already
Me voy a aprender esos poemas de mierda para poder follar ya
I'm going to learn those shitty poems so I can fuck already
No voy a engañarte, nunca me ha gustado, ni me gustará ya
I'm not going to lie to you, I've never liked him, and I never will
Pero por esa cara, hago lo que sea
But for that face, I'll do anything
Voy a aprenderme todos los discos de Marea, por ti
I'm going to learn all the Marea albums, for you
A tu, nena, et compro un Caravaggio
For you, baby, I'll buy a Caravaggio
En això de l'amor sóc un prodigio
In this love thing I'm a prodigy
Tinc els dits fets caldo de parlar amb tu
My fingers are sore from talking to you
Fins les tantes, de veure si m'aguantes
Until the wee hours, to see if you can stand me
Per aquell pussy entro en delirio
For that pussy I go into delirium
Vull comprar-te un pis a Roma
I want to buy you a flat in Rome
Amb bona terrassa perquè fumis per passar l'estona
With a good terrace for you to smoke and pass the time
I així sucar melindro, la xocolata espessa
And so we can dip ladyfingers in thick chocolate
Com més temps remenes més surt la recepta
The more you stir, the better the recipe comes out
El teu cul em porta veient les estrelles
Your ass has me seeing stars
Que per tu em faig astronauta, dones espectacle
That for you I become an astronaut, you give a show
Addicte, em dones una meta, amb tu cadena perpetua
Addicted, you give me a goal, with you life imprisonment
Per tu canto com Frank Ocean, reservo roba Fendi
For you I sing like Frank Ocean, I reserve Fendi clothes
Acabar-nos en un dia Rick i Morty
End up in a Rick and Morty day
Res és massa lluny si tu i jo estem en carrera i a bones
Nothing is too far if you and I are in the race and on good terms
Reina, necessites dues corones
Queen, you need two crowns
Te voy a cantar una canción de Nach a ver si follamos ya, ya
I'm going to sing you a Nach song to see if we can fuck already, already
Me voy a aprender esos poemas de mierda para poder follar ya
I'm going to learn those shitty poems so I can fuck already
No voy a engañarte, nunca me ha gustado, ni me gustará ya
I'm not going to lie to you, I've never liked him, and I never will
Pero por esa cara, hago lo que sea
But for that face, I'll do anything
Voy a aprenderme todos los discos de Marea, por ti
I'm going to learn all the Marea albums, for you
Per tu em vaig aprendre sencers deu temes de Txarango
For you I learned ten whole Txarango songs
Em vaig apuntar a spinning, yoga i tango
I signed up for spinning, yoga and tango
Votaria a Ciutadans, fingiria saber d'art
I would vote for Ciutadans, I would pretend to know about art
Per tu arribaria abans de l'hora tan acostumat a arribar tard
For you I would arrive before the time so used to arriving late
I és que tot és per tu, et juro és per tu
And it's all for you, I swear it's for you
Mengem sushi cada dimarts però jo odio el peix cru
We eat sushi every Tuesday but I hate raw fish
Per tu juro vaig a missa i després anem a veure els toros
For you I swear I go to mass and then we go to see the bulls
Per tu porto camisa, el coco de Lacoste als polos
For you I wear a shirt, the Lacoste coconut on the polos
Nena, si és el que vols, deixo de somiar en el Ferrari
Baby, if that's what you want, I'll stop dreaming about the Ferrari
Compro un monovolum i passegem els nens pel barri
I'll buy a minivan and we'll walk the kids around the neighborhood
Faig un lloc al braç, em tatuo el nostre aniversari
I'll make a place on my arm, I'll tattoo our anniversary
Només demano no desapareguis com Mag Lari
I just ask that you don't disappear like Mag Lari
Jo només vull donar-te dur, però se m'està fent molt dur
I just want to give you hard, but it's getting very hard for me
Això de ser un niñato i semblar un home madur
This being a brat and looking like a mature man
Quan escoltis això no crec que em puguis perdonar, nah
When you hear this I don't think you can forgive me, nah
Però ho sento amor, no puc callar
But I'm sorry love, I can't shut up
Te voy a cantar una canción de Nach a ver si follamos ya, ya
I'm going to sing you a Nach song to see if we can fuck already, already
Me voy a aprender esos poemas de mierda para poder follar ya
I'm going to learn those shitty poems so I can fuck already
No voy a engañarte, nunca me ha gustado, ni me gustará ya
I'm not going to lie to you, I've never liked him, and I never will
Pero por esa cara, hago lo que sea
But for that face, I'll do anything
Voy a aprenderme todos los discos de Marea, por ti
I'm going to learn all the Marea albums, for you
Te voy a cantar una canción de Nach a ver si follamos ya, ya
I'm going to sing you a Nach song to see if we can fuck already, already
Me voy a aprender esos poemas de mierda para poder follar ya
I'm going to learn those shitty poems so I can fuck already
No voy a engañarte, nunca me ha gustado, ni me gustará ya
I'm not going to lie to you, I've never liked him, and I never will
Pero por esa cara, hago lo que sea
But for that face, I'll do anything
Voy a aprenderme todos los discos de Marea, por ti
I'm going to learn all the Marea albums, for you

Авторы: Lildami

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