Lildami feat. Pau Lobo - Pempins - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Pau Lobo - Pempins

Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Jo tinc la veu, el nom, el talent
I have the voice, the name, the talent
Ja no soc la promesa, ara soc el present
I'm no longer the promise, now I'm the present
No surto en els clips ensenyant bills de 100
I don't show up in clips showing 100 bills
Només ensenyo el dit if you are talking malament
I only show the finger if you are talking bad
Estic fent equilibrisme sobre una piscina plena de taurons
I'm balancing on a pool full of sharks
Acostumat a viure entre piranyes curtit en la natació
Used to living among piranhas, hardened in swimming
Ye, ye, ye, ara miro des de dalt conec la meva posició
Yeah, yeah, yeah, now I look from above, I know my position
Perquè parlo català, castellà també anglès
Because I speak Catalan, Spanish and also English
Però l′idioma mejor hablo sempre han sigut els diners
But the best language I've always spoken has been money
Diuen coses de la vida només potser blanca o negre
They say things in life can only be black or white
Però el meu color favorito sempre ha sigut el verd
But my favorite color has always been green
Ye, ye, ye, tinc barres més dures que Pablo Hasél
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I have bars harder than Pablo Hasél
No tinc ganes de morir però que aniré al cel
I don't want to die but I know I'll go to heaven
Jugant contra tisores i només treus papel
Playing against scissors and you only bring out paper
Loco, ara si vols colabo hauràs de pagar-me el vers
Crazy, now if you want a collab you'll have to pay me for the verse
I només treballo els dimarts que cauen en enters
And I only work on Tuesdays that fall on whole numbers
Em sento un jove sènior ensenyant als amateurs
I feel like a young senior teaching the amateurs
Rap game Michael Scott tot el dia pensant paper
Rap game Michael Scott thinking about paper all day
Ye, ye, ye, estic amb el Lobo sobre un beat del Chen
Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm with Lobo on a Chen beat
Tenim molta tela, probablement més que Inditex
We have a lot of fabric, probably more than Inditex
Nosaltres som per sempre com la teva ex
We are forever like your ex
Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Si portem anys en això és perquè se'ns dona
If we've been doing this for years, it's because we're good at it
Si em dónes una altra cosa no la sabré fer
If you give me something else, I won't know how to do it
Jo canto per la vibe, no per fer diners
I sing for the vibe, not to make money
Ni pels followers, no si m′entens
Not for the followers, I don't know if you understand me
Mira que anem a bon port, pujant cap al top
Look, we're on the right track, going up to the top
El Lildami, Chen i això peta fort
Lildami, Chen and this hits hard
Sonem per arreu, cadascú amb lo seu
We sound everywhere, each one with their own
Aquí hi ha talent des de lluny es veu
Here there is talent, it can be seen from afar
Des de petit, que jo m'he atrevit
Since I was little, I dared
A pujar aquí dalt, i fer així amb el dit
To get up here, and do this with my finger
I si tu fet fas teu, el que jo t'escric
And if you make yours what I write for you
Sense un puto euro, jo em sento soc ric
Without a damn euro, I feel rich
I mira què et dic, crec que això és un hit
And look what I tell you, I think this is a hit
Jo el pujo a YouTube, tu play and repeat
I upload it to YouTube, you play and repeat
I per això t′ho dic, un canvi de xip
And that's why I tell you, a change of chip
No està malament, per la teva ment
It's not bad for your mind
Per aprendre que aquí qui classe
To learn that here who has class
No és qui treu pit
It's not who sticks out their chest
Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Ella em diu soc el seu crash però ho sento no puc fer cas
She tells me I'm her crash but I'm sorry I can't pay attention
Perquè quan miro el meu watch em diu és l′hora de fer cash
Because when I look at my watch it tells me it's time to make cash
Intentem examinar, passo la nota de tall
We try to examine, I pass the cut-off mark
Imparabla boi he convertit el meu hobbie en treball
Unstoppable boi I have turned my hobby into work
No m'interessa la fama
I'm not interested in fame
No dic que no a tenir pasta
I don't say no to having dough
Faig el em dona la gana
I do what I want
I mira tu, es veu que t′agrada
And look at you, it seems you like it
Creus que canto per la plata? Vas molt mal encaminat
Do you think I sing for the money? You're on the wrong track
Vols ser el meu millor fan? Noi, m'hauràs de matar
You want to be my biggest fan? Boy, you'll have to kill me
Ja no penso en res més que no sigui això a diari
I don't think about anything else but this on a daily basis
Que lo de fer calés mola, però és secundari
That making money is cool, but it's secondary
No m′interessa la fama
I'm not interested in fame
No dic que no a tenir pasta
I don't say no to having dough
Faig el em dóna la gana
I do what I want
I mira tu, es veu que t'agrada
And look at you, it seems you like it
Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Todos queremos dinero
We all want money
Todo, todo, todo el mundo entero
Everyone, everyone, the whole world
Y a no me llueve el dinero
And money doesn't rain on me
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to
Y yo canto porque quiero
And I sing because I want to

Авторы: Lildami

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