Lildami feat. Sr. Chen - El Sermó (feat. Sr. Chen & Emotional G) - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Sr. Chen - El Sermó (feat. Sr. Chen & Emotional G)

El Sermó (feat. Sr. Chen & Emotional G)
The Sermon (feat. Sr. Chen & Emotional G)
que si em guanyés la vida com volien
I know that if I earned my living as they wanted
Me l'estaria perdent
I'd be losing it
Que si ho tingués tot a l'abast
That if I had everything within reach
No sabría el que volem
I wouldn't know what we want
No tinc la vida que volien
I don't have the life they wanted
Però tampoc em va tant mal
But I'm not doing so bad either
No tinc la vida que volien
I don't have the life they wanted
Però tampoc em va tant mal
But I'm not doing so bad either
La que em saluda
The hand that greets me
Demà portarà un punyal
Tomorrow will carry a dagger
Prepara't per clavar-me'l en el pit
Get ready to stab me in the chest
Per això no descanso de nit
That's why I don't sleep at night
Li donin pel cul als periodistes
Fuck the journalists
Que només pensen en els titulars
Who only think about headlines
Que si odio als de 31FAM
That if I hate 31FAM
O si hi ha beef entre jo i la P.A.W.N (yeeeh)
Or if there's beef between me and P.A.W.N (yeeeh)
Ya no discuto por na'
I don't argue for nothin' anymore
Sóc tot un senyor
I'm a whole gentleman
Pujo a la palestra i solto el sarmó
I climb into the arena and drop the salmon (meaning: deliver a powerful message)
Dedicat als que em van dir "deixa-ho estar"
Dedicated to those who told me "let it go"
I ara es troben el meu disc a la FNAC
And now they find my album at FNAC
Veig una còpia de còpia de còpia
I see a copy of a copy of a copy
Jo estic a l'ombra brillant amb llum pròpia
I'm in the shadows shining with my own light
Armat al darrere amb la colla, la colla, la colla
Armed behind with the gang, the gang, the gang
Vam començar des de zero i ara anem fins la gloria
We started from scratch and now we're going all the way to glory
Monedes de plata pel Judas
Silver coins for Judas
El preu a pagar, saber qui val la pena, salir de dudas
The price to pay, to know who's worth it, to get out of doubts
Quan la consciencia et pesa més que la cadena
When your conscience weighs more than the chain
Mires enrere i vaya faena
You look back and what a mess
No tinc la vida que volia però tampoc em va tan mal
I don't have the life I wanted but I'm not doing so bad
No tinc la vida que volia però tampoc em va tan mal
I don't have the life I wanted but I'm not doing so bad
Ya no discuto por na'
I don't argue for nothin' anymore
Sóc tot un senyor
I'm a whole gentleman
Pujo a la palestra i solto el sermó
I climb into the arena and drop the sermon
Dedicat als que em van dir "deixa-ho estar"
Dedicated to those who told me "let it go"
I ara es troben el meu disc a la FNAC
And now they find my album at FNAC
No tinc la vida que volia però tampoc em cal
I don't have the life I wanted but I don't need it either
Et miro als ulls i penso si ets real
I look you in the eyes and wonder if you're real
Que viure així ja m'està bé, amb la sort entre les mans
That living like this is fine for me, with luck in my hands
Una promesa en el cor i deixar-me anar portant
A promise in my heart and letting myself go
Quan em miris digue'm que per tu tot està
When you look at me, tell me that everything is okay for you
Que estem tots flotant en un mar de avions de paper
That we're all floating in a sea of paper airplanes
Que ens vam enamorar de l'aire i sense saber fer
That we fell in love with the air and without knowing how to do it
Però que mirem enrere i no canviaríem res
But that we look back and wouldn't change a thing
Que he agafat la meva vida i he fet la bandera
That I took my life and made it the flag
Que casa meva rodes i va per carreteres
That my house has wheels and goes on roads
No tinc la vida que volies o la que t'esperes
I don't have the life you wanted or the one you expect
Però t'ensenyo la meva agenda i t'entra frioleras
But I show you my schedule and you get chills
I ara tots em diuen: Chen, Chen, cuida la cartera
And now everyone tells me: Chen, Chen, take care of your wallet
Que els hi apujo el volum i se'ls hi cau la rinyonera
That I turn up the volume and their fanny pack falls off
Que porto des dels 15 apretant la pedalera
That I've been pressing the pedal since I was 15
I ara quan mirem enrere ja no és el que era
And now when we look back it's not what it was
Vivim a la nostra manera
We live in our own way
No tinc la vida que volies però és la meva
I don't have the life you wanted but it's mine
No tinc la vida que volies però
I don't have the life you wanted but
Ya no discuto por na'
I don't argue for nothin' anymore
Sóc tot un senyor
I'm a whole gentleman
Pujo a la palestra i solto el sermó
I climb into the arena and drop the sermon
Dedicat als que em van dir "deixa-ho estar"
Dedicated to those who told me "let it go"
I ara es troben el meu disc a la FNAC
And now they find my album at FNAC

Авторы: Damià Rodríguez, Martí Mora

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