Lildami feat. Sr. Chen - Sempre és estiu - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami feat. Sr. Chen - Sempre és estiu

Sempre és estiu
It's Always Summer
Jo vaig venir a aquest món a jugar
I came to this world to play
Jo no creia en l′amor, papà
I didn't believe in love, Dad
Que va
No way
Els dies passaven i jo t'anava veient en un hivern nuclear
The days went by and I kept seeing you in a nuclear winter
I de cop tu, i de cop tu
And suddenly you, and suddenly you
Arribes i m′ho poses tot cap per baix i jo només vull dir-te
You arrive and turn everything upside down and I just want to tell you
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here
Quan em vulguis trobar, només has de trucar-me (Ring, ring)
When you want to find me, you just have to call me (Ring, ring)
(Sí?) Jo ja no què em passa, ja mai em sento a casa però
(Yes?) I don't know what's happening to me, I never feel at home anymore but
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here
Intentant explicar les coses que no vaig entendre
Trying to explain the things I didn't understand
Si pogués controlar el futur o el passat volviera
If I could control the future or the past I would go back
que el teu pare m'odia però te mare em vol de gendre
I know your father hates me but your mother wants me as a son-in-law
Amb tu marxa l'hivern i torna la primavera
With you, winter leaves and spring returns
M′agrades més del que mai hagués volgut
I like you more than I ever wanted
M′agrades més del que hagués imaginat
I like you more than I ever imagined
Camí a la costa en un flamant deportiu
On the way to the coast in a brand new sports car
Penso si desperto al teu costat cada dia és estiu
I think if I wake up next to you every day is summer
La pasta que necessito no la donen al banc
The money I need is not given at the bank
Cuinant junts la carbonara ara és el meu plan
Cooking carbonara together is my plan now
Jo no pregunto pel sopar
I don't ask about dinner
Et miro i dic, demà què vols esmorzar?
I look at you and say, what do you want for breakfast tomorrow?
I si em fas confessar un diumenge al sofà
And if you make me confess on a Sunday on the sofa
Et diré no perdis el temps que la vida va too fast
I'll tell you don't waste your time, life goes too fast
Que lo realment important són les coses que fas
That what's really important are the things you do
No les que donen voltes al cap com un pollo a l'ast
Not the ones that go around your head like a chicken on a spit
Jo vaig venir a aquest món a jugar
I came to this world to play
Jo no creia en l′amor, papà
I didn't believe in love, Dad
Que va
No way
Els dies passaven i jo t'anava veient en un hivern nuclear
The days went by and I kept seeing you in a nuclear winter
I de cop tu, i de cop tu
And suddenly you, and suddenly you
Arribes i m′ho poses tot cap per baix i jo només vull dir-te
You arrive and turn everything upside down and I just want to tell you
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here
Quan em vulguis trobar només has de trucar-me (Ring-ring)
When you want to find me you just have to call me (Ring-ring)
(Sí?) Jo ja no què em passa, ja mai em sento a casa però
(Yes?) I don't know what's happening to me, I never feel at home anymore but
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here
Definitiu o infinit, com ens veus en un futur?
Definite or infinite, how do you see us in the future?
Creus que ens haurem discutit o amb una caseta a Begur?
Do you think we'll have argued or with a little house in Begur?
Creus que m'estimaràs quan ja no em quedi cabell?
Do you think you'll love me when I have no hair left?
Quan el que em quedi de músic sigui un got de moscatell?
When all I have left of a musician is a glass of muscatel?
Quan tingui desgastats els tattoos de la pell
When the tattoos on my skin are worn out
I a la meva ja no entri cap anell
And no ring fits on my hand
Em trobaràs a faltar quan estigui a 6 sota terra
Will you miss me when I'm 6 feet under?
En una guerra nuclear o quan exploti la Terra?
In a nuclear war or when the Earth explodes?
Tindrem flors a la mateixa tomba
Will we have flowers on the same grave
O ens trobarem pel carrer i no sabrem ni com va?
Or will we meet on the street and not even know how it went?
Per si demà no ens veiem, he deixat això escrit
In case we don't see each other tomorrow, I've left this written down
T′ho firmo com Damià perquè no oblidis com em dic
I sign it as Damià so you don't forget my name
Creus que haurà valgut la pena o que t'arrepentiràs?
Do you think it will have been worth it or will you regret it?
Què prefereixes? Grans mentides o mitges veritats?
What do you prefer? Big lies or half-truths?
Viure amb tu és un constant 15 de juliol
Living with you is a constant July 15th
I em passo el dia buscant-te com la llum un gira-sol, Dami
And I spend the day looking for you like the light a sunflower, Dami
Jo vaig venir a aquest món a jugar
I came to this world to play
Jo no creia en l'amor, papà
I didn't believe in love, Dad
Que va
No way
Els dies passaven i jo t′anava veient en un hivern nuclear
The days went by and I kept seeing you in a nuclear winter
I de cop tu, i de cop tu
And suddenly you, and suddenly you
Arribes i m′ho poses tot cap per baix i jo només vull dir-te
You arrive and turn everything upside down and I just want to tell you
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here
Quan em vulguis trobar només has de trucar-me (Ring-ring)
When you want to find me you just have to call me (Ring-ring)
(Sí?) Jo ja no què em passa, ja mai em sento a casa però
(Yes?) I don't know what's happening to me, I never feel at home anymore but
Sempre és estiu si estàs aquí
It's always summer if you're here

Авторы: Lildami

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