Lildami - Bubbaloo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami - Bubbaloo

(No tio, ho veig, ah)
(I don't know man, I see it, ah)
Tothom sempre amb la mateixa vaina de sempre)
(Everyone's always on the same old thing)
I fuu, no sé, tio
And phew, I don't know, man
Allò l′únic que intento portar és aire fresc
The only thing I'm trying to bring is fresh air
Si el temps és or, torna'm els euros que vaig perdre amb tu
If time is money, give me back the euros I lost with you
El panorama entre les dents, el mastego com bubbaloo
The panorama between my teeth, I chew it like bubbaloo
Tots aquells volen bistec, però jo encara el veig massa cru
All those guys want steak, but I still see it too raw
I si no tinc temps per perdre′m, noia ja saps el que tinc per tu
And if I don't have time to waste, girl you know what I have for you
Ja no confio amb la meva ombra, ja no em crec res de ningú
I don't trust my own shadow anymore, I don't believe anything from anyone
La busco llesta i me corresponda i no que només sigui atractiu
I'm looking for her to be ready and reciprocate, not just be attractive
Si lo que dic va a missa, ara sóc religiós
If what I say goes to mass, now I'm religious
A la taula rodejat d'apòstols, però no qui és el traïdor
At the table surrounded by apostles, but I don't know who the traitor is
Si no entens ni mitja del que dic, però parles com si fos veritat
If you don't understand even half of what I say, but you talk like it's true
Si et creus tot el que han dit de mi i parles com si fos veritat
If you believe everything they've said about me and talk like it's true
Estic a deu años luz, m'estic pegant com super glue
I'm ten light years away, I'm sticking like super glue
Em diuen: Dami boy, no qui ho farà si no ho fas tu
They tell me: Dami boy, I don't know who will do it if you don't
Ni a la tele, ni a la radio, ni tampoc al teu club
Not on TV, not on the radio, not even in your club
Però loco, jo en un minut he dit més que tu en el teu dic senser
But crazy, in one minute I've said more than you in your whole speech
M′enfilo per darrere de la barra i no em quedo sense alè
I climb behind the bar and I don't run out of breath
Som els nens que van per tot de baix al top del zero al cent
We are the kids who go from the bottom to the top, from zero to one hundred
Ja no parlo, bebo, puta, me la suda ser el millor
I don't talk anymore, I drink, bitch, I don't care about being the best
Ja no parlo, pasta, puta, me la suda el teu millón
I don't talk anymore, money, bitch, I don't care about your million
Si toco la flauta al darrere està tot ple de rates
If I play the flute, the back is full of rats
Tiro la vida al darrera i està tot ple de rates
I throw my life behind and it's full of rats
I ara sóc la sensació
And now I'm the sensation
Perquè causo sensació
Because I cause a sensation
Ja no dormo cap finde sol, ara dormo quan surt el sol
I don't sleep any weekend alone anymore, now I sleep when the sun comes up
25 graus sota el sol (Calor) 40 graus al got
25 degrees under the sun (Heat) 40 degrees in the glass
Intenta escupir al meu argot, però no estàs en condicions
Try to spit on my slang, but you're not in a position to
Mig país estudiant català i l′altre meitat vol veure món
Half the country studying Catalan and the other half wants to see the world
Escrivint i cridant mico, però lo meu no es guia per la sort
Writing and shouting monkey, but mine is not guided by luck
Que tingui frases bones, és que no en tinc de dolentes
That I have good phrases, it's just that I don't have bad ones
Si poso el talent en venta em pillo un abentador (Dami boy)
If I put my talent on sale, I'll get an apron (Dami boy)
Et recordo plorant dient: no m'oblideries mai
I remember you crying saying: you would never forget me
Et recordo plorant dient: no m′oblideries mai
I remember you crying saying: you would never forget me
Et recordo plorant dient: no m'oblideries mai
I remember you crying saying: you would never forget me
Et recordo plorant dient
I remember you crying saying
Et recordo plorant dient: no m′oblideries mai
I remember you crying saying: you would never forget me
Ara fallo el meu ball miro i esteu molt avall
Now I miss my dance, I look and you're way down
Estàs competint contra mi? Vaig a Ferrari o a cavall
Are you competing against me? I'm going by Ferrari or horseback
Vols golejar al meu equip, la lliga va acabar ja fa un any
You want to score on my team, the league ended a year ago
Si fes el que esperes de mi, jo no seria ningú
If I did what you expect of me, I would be nobody
Si tires beefs per pujar, m'assemblaria massa a tu
If you throw beefs to go up, I would look too much like you
Si és que si em diuen space boy és perquè estic a años luz
If they call me space boy it's because I'm light years away
Perquè si miro a l′horitzó, loco, només veig el futur
Because if I look at the horizon, crazy, I only see the future
Dos tipus de persones, els que fas les coses i els que miren
Two kinds of people, those who do things and those who watch
I si estàs parlant de mi, sorry, tinc males notícies
And if you're talking about me, sorry, I have bad news
Lo-loco jo no crec en la sort
Cra-crazy, I don't believe in luck
I molt menys en el meu destí
And much less in my destiny
Quan truco a Déu, el apagat, sembla que no vol parlar amb mi
When I call God, his phone is off, it seems he doesn't want to talk to me
Aixeco el vol surto del niu
I take off, I leave the nest
Aquests ocellots no em volen ni viu
These little birds don't even want me alive
Intentant diferenciar si m'estima o és bona actriu
Trying to differentiate if she loves me or is a good actress
Si el temps és or torna'm més euros que vaig perdre amb tu
If time is money, give me back more euros than I lost with you
El panorama entre les dents, el mastego com bubbaloo
The panorama between my teeth, I chew it like bubbaloo
Tots aquells volen bistec, però jo encara el veig massa cru
All those guys want steak, but I still see it too raw
Si no tinc temps per perdre noia ja saps el que tinc per tu
If I don't have time to waste, girl you know what I have for you

Авторы: Lil Dami

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