Lildami - No et puc prometre res - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami - No et puc prometre res

No et puc prometre res
I Can't Promise You Anything
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Casa, cotxe, pasta, joies, res
House, car, money, jewels, nothing
Piscina, yate i roba de disseny
Pool, yacht, and designer clothes
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Bolsos, viatges, suites cada mes
Bags, trips, suites every month
Versace, Fendi, roba de disseny
Versace, Fendi, designer clothes
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I no no et puc prometre
And I can't promise you
Res (Dami)
Anything (Dami)
No et puc prometre un asiento de cuero en un Benz
I can't promise you a leather seat in a Benz
Ni un majordom que es digui Geoffrey, ens porti pastes i tes
Nor a butler named Geoffrey, bringing us pastries and teas
Ni una casa amb piscina, jet, limusina, res
Nor a house with a pool, jet, limousine, nothing
Seria mentir-te i per tant noia ja no et puc prometre res
It would be lying to you and therefore I can't promise you anything
No et prometo estar per sempre perquè no surt tot com vull
I don't promise to be there forever because not everything goes as I want
No et diré on estic demà si no on acabaré avui
I won't tell you where I am tomorrow if I don't know where I'll end up today
No volia cap fill i amb tu en vull tres
I didn't want any children and with you I want three
Però no et puc prometre que demà no siguis la meva ex
But I can't promise you that tomorrow you won't be my ex
No et puc prometre el cel si aniré a l'infern
I can't promise you heaven if I'm going to hell
Ni Louis Vuitton ni Robin Jeans al pantaló
Neither Louis Vuitton nor Robin Jeans on my pants
Ni despertar a New York i acabar dormint a Hong Kong
Nor waking up in New York and ending up sleeping in Hong Kong
Tu em vas parar
You stopped me
Quan vaig caure baix al pou
When I fell down the well
I que estaràs amb mi apili el rectangle o estigui broke
And I know you'll be with me whether I stack the bills or I'm broke
Em dones la vida
You give me life
Me la treus alhora
You take it away at times
Només prometo si estàs al meu costat, no miraràs l'hora
I only promise that if you're by my side, you won't watch the clock
Casa, cotxe, pasta, joies, res
House, car, money, jewels, nothing
Piscina, yate i roba de disseny
Pool, yacht, and designer clothes
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Bolsos, viatges, suites cada mes
Bags, trips, suites every month
Versace, Fendi, roba de disseny
Versace, Fendi, designer clothes
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre
And I can't promise you
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
No mirar la conta i pagar
Not looking at the bill and paying
Coberteria de plata en el millor restaurant
Silverware in the best restaurant
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Una casa davant el mar
A house by the sea
Tenir 4 cotxes i no saber quin és més car
Having 4 cars and not knowing which one is more expensive
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Un anell de diamants
A diamond ring
I no puguis moure la perquè són gegants
And you can't move your hand well because they're giant
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Una casa amb jardí
A house with a garden
On puguem veure com els nostres dos fills es fan grans
Where we can watch our two children grow up
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Casa, cotxe, pasta, joies, res
House, car, money, jewels, nothing
Piscina, yate i roba de disseny
Pool, yacht, and designer clothes
No et puc prometre res
I can't promise you anything
Bolsos, viatges, suites cada mes
Bags, trips, suites every month
Versace, Fendi, roba de disseny
Versace, Fendi, designer clothes
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre res, res, res
And I can't promise you anything, anything, anything
I jo no et puc prometre
And I can't promise you

Авторы: Lil Dami

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