Lildami - Tirant lo blanc - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lildami - Tirant lo blanc

Tirant lo blanc
Tirant lo Blanc (The White Knight)
Jo no se beef no parlo eso, no tinc temps per parides
I don't do beef, I don't talk about that, I don't have time for nonsense
Vols acabar la meva vida abans acaba l′eso
You want to end my life before you finish high school
Saben si pujo a la tarima em dóna igual tot lo demes
They know if I go up on stage, I don't care about anything else
Toco igual de per dos persones o dos-cents
I play just as well for two people or two hundred
Jo sóc Dami, i tu qui ets?
I'm Dami, and who are you?
Un altre mes? un altre buscant el bistec
Another one? Another one looking for the steak
Però ja està massa fet
But it's already overcooked
Tinc la paella pel mango
I have the pan by the handle
A tots els haters llamando
Calling all the haters
"Dami lo estás controlando"
"Dami, you're controlling it"
Jo ja sabia que era bo abans que ho digués tothom
I already knew I was good before everyone said it
Jo ja sabia que era bo abans d'aquells quatre rumors
I already knew I was good before those four rumors
Estic cuinant pollastre a l′as no els trobaràs al meu nas
I'm cooking chicken ace, you won't find them on my nose
Conan resolen el cas
Conan solves the case
Apilem cash en el cabàs
We pile up cash in the basket
Jo no literatura
I don't know literature
Però t'estic Tirant lo blanc a la cara i des de l'altura
But I'm throwing Tirant lo Blanc (The White Knight) in your face from the heights
Ice a la chain, per què tinc el cor fred com el gel
Ice on the chain, why is my heart as cold as ice
Malsons al meu cap dormi a casa o en un hotel
Nightmares in my head, whether I sleep at home or in a hotel
Hi ha gent que diu que això del trap no es
There are people who say that this trap thing isn't
Música, que sortir amb unes bases a l′escenari
Music, that going out with some bases on stage
Això no és música sinó que això
This isn't music, but this
Es una altra cosa, això és un karaoke
Is something else, this is karaoke
Bueno, és la seva opinió i entenc que s′ha de respectar però
Well, it's their opinion and I understand that it has to be respected but
No tenen ni puta idea
They have no fucking idea
Tinc mil coses al meu cap no en vull cap més
I have a thousand things on my mind, I don't want any more
Ja tinc molts problemes no me'n donis més
I already have a lot of problems, don't give me any more
Faig el que cal i no els calers
I do what it takes and not the money
Ei no faig cap paper, vaig total dia rere els papers
Hey, I don't play any role, I go totally day after day
Vens per mi? et toca espera a la cola
You coming for me? You have to wait in line
L′educacio, me la va donar la música i no l'escola
Music gave me education, not school
En serio, no és conya
Seriously, it's no joke
Abans no feia bona lletra ara les meves lletres emocionen
I didn't write good lyrics before, now my lyrics move people
Segut a la taula, rodejat dels meus germans
Sitting at the table, surrounded by my brothers
Si per cobdícia mes d′un em va trair
If more than one betrayed me out of greed
Em tenen enveja per què vinc d'abaix
They envy me because I come from below
Perquè sóc humil, i la veritat no xerro la mitat
Because I am humble, and the truth is I don't talk half
Tinc als ateus tirant-me beef
I have atheists throwing me beef
Als romans tirant-me beef
Romans throwing me beef
La satisfacció, de fer el que vull per què tinc el poble amb mi
The satisfaction of doing what I want because I have the people with me
Per tu fingia em sabia els temes de Txarango
For you I pretended I knew Txarango's songs
Per tu hagués matat un exèrcit com Rambo
For you I would have killed an army like Rambo
Et sents imparabla fent aquestes cançons?
Do you feel unstoppable making these songs?
No em sento imparabla per les meves cançons si no per
I don't feel unstoppable because of my songs, but because of
Lo que signifiquen per alguna gent les meves cançons
What my songs mean to some people
I és lo que et fa sentir
And it's what makes you feel
El que dèiem abans, llevar-te i dir, uau em sento agraït
What we were saying before, waking up and saying, wow, I feel grateful
que no li agrado al teu pare
I know your father doesn't like me
Però noia estem fets l′un per l'altre
But girl, we're made for each other
Serem Bonnie and Clyde
We'll be Bonnie and Clyde
La pasma a darrere, en carrera disparant per la finestra a 140
The cops behind, racing, shooting out the window at 140
Jo mai m'he cregut ningú un maleducao ben educao
I've never thought I was anyone, a well-educated rude boy
Meva boca escupe llamas el meu cor és un iglú
My mouth spits flames, my heart is an igloo
Jo mai he sigut violento el chico flaco sempre humil
I've never been violent, the skinny boy always humble
Em semblava anava ràpid però ara ho veig tot massa lento
I thought I was going fast, but now I see everything too slow
No compito no estic en carrera
I don't compete, I'm not in a race
Però he deixat les teves mitges plenes de carreres
But I've left your stockings full of races
La teva foto a la meva cartera sense
Your photo in my wallet without
Frens en contradirecció diuen: "Dami acelera"
Brakes in the opposite direction they say: "Dami accelerate"
Ara tinc un disc per treure gravo tota la setmana
Now I have an album to release, I record all week
A mi no me censura nadie hago lo que me viene en gana
Nobody censors me, I do what I want
Amb les frases que em sobren em trec el temazo de l′any, pussy
With the phrases I have left over, I take out the hit of the year, pussy

Авторы: Unknown Writer, Derek Simpson

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