Dyana Shamsuddin feat. Salamiah Hassan & Encanto - Cast - Warga Madrigal - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Dyana Shamsuddin feat. Salamiah Hassan & Encanto - Cast - Warga Madrigal

Warga Madrigal
The Madrigals
Let's go!
Rumah ini payung tiga generasi
This house is three generations strong
Penuh irama dan rentak yang hingar-bingar
Full of rhythm and a boisterous song
Keluarga kami bagaikan konstelasi
Our family's like a constellation
Yang saling ada kesempatan bersinar
With each a chance to shine, elation!
Whoa, Abuela sang número uno
Whoa, Abuela the número uno
Whoa, penghulu sedari zaman kuno
Whoa, the head of the family since long ago
Whoa, saban tahun kami tambah makmur
Whoa, every year our blessings grow
Ada banyak yang perlu kau tahu, jom!
There's so much you need to know, let's go!
Ini kisah warga Madrigal
This is the tale of the Madrigals
Ini tempat tinggal Madrigal, ayuh, ayuh!
This is the home of the Madrigals, come on, come on!
Warga kami sungguh fantástico dan mágico
Our people are so fantástico and mágico
Aku bangga jadi Madrigal
I'm proud to be a Madrigal
Tengok tu, nenek sudah datang!
Look, Grandma's here!
Apa bakat mereka?
What are their gifts?
Siapa yang dapat bakat, akak?
Who gets a gift, sis?
Baiklah, baiklah, bertenang
Alright, alright, calm down.
Tapi memang mustahillah kami dapat bertenang
But it's impossible for us to calm down
Cerita semua, kakak ada kuasa apa?
Tell us everything, what's your power, sis?
Cakaplah, apa kuasa semua orang?
Tell me, what are everyone's powers?
Nah, ini sebab budak tak boleh minum kopi
See, this is why kids shouldn't drink coffee.
Si Tía Pepa, sang pelakar cuaca
Tía Pepa, the weather maker
Jikalau marah, ribut tak tentu arah
If she's angry, the storm goes haywire
Si Tío Bruno (usah ungkit hal Bruno)
Tío Bruno (we don't talk about Bruno)
Sang peramal terbilang, namun dia hilang
The renowned fortune teller, but he's gone.
Oh, ini Mamá Julieta yang ramah
Oh, this is Mamá Julieta, the kind one
Whoa, dia perawat badan yang lemah
Whoa, she's the healer of the weak and run down
Whoa, juadahnya penawar yang murni
Whoa, her cooking is a pure remedy
Indah benar dilayan begini, ma!
It's beautiful to be treated like this, Ma!
Ini kisah warga Madrigal
This is the story of the Madrigals
Ini tempat tinggal Madrigal, hei, ke tepi!
This is the home of the Madrigals, hey, step aside!
Hidup kami sungguh fantástico dan mágico
Our life is so fantástico and mágico
Dan aku bangga jadi Madrigal
And I'm proud to be a Madrigal
Dua lelaki dan gadis Madrigal
Two Madrigal boys and girls
Kini suami dan isteri Madrigal
Now Madrigal husbands and wives
Si Tío Félix pilih Pepa
Tío Félix chose Pepa
Papáku pilih Julieta
My dad chose Julieta
Maka Abuela menjadi abuela Madrigal, ayuh, ayuh
So Abuela became Abuela Madrigal, come on, come on!
Kami berjanji, tekad berbakti
We promised, determined to serve
Supaya tersaji bakat nan sakti
So that powerful talents are preserved
Pekan berdiri, zaman berlari
The town stands, time runs
Namun usaha mesti menjadi nyawa dan nadi
But effort must become the soul and pulse
Meski waris berganti, nyalanya mesti abadi
Even though the heir changes, the flame must endure
Eh, siapa sepupu dan siapa, akak?
Hey, who are the cousins and who, sis?
Ada ramai sangat la
There are so many!
Macam mana nak ingat semua?
How can I remember them all?
Okay, okay, okay, okay
Okay, okay, okay, okay!
Ada cucu-cucu yang belum kudendangkan
There are grandchildren I haven't mentioned yet
Sekarang mari kenali sepupu kakak (sepupu kakak)
Now let's meet your cousins (your cousins)
Dolores ada bakat mendengar
Dolores has the gift of hearing
Camilo klon dan Antonio bakal bersinar
Camilo clones and Antonio will shine
Mereka pula, Isabela dan Luisa
And then there's Isabela and Luisa
Kakak yang gagah dan kakak yang megah
The strong sister and the glorious sister
(Isabela) dia menumbuhkan bunga
(Isabela) she grows flowers
(Isabela) anak emas sempurna
(Isabela) the golden child, flawless
(Luisa, Luisa, Luisa, Luisa) perwira perkasa
(Luisa, Luisa, Luisa, Luisa) the mighty hero
Dua kakak yang mempesona
Two enchanting sisters
Beginilah warga Madrigal (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
This is how the Madrigals are (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Kami bangga jadi Madrigal (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
We're proud to be Madrigals (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Kerna kami sungguh fantástico dan mágico (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Because we're truly fantástico and mágico (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Kami beruntung menjadi Madrigal
We're fortunate to be Madrigals
Adiós! Ooh!
Adiós! Ooh!
Tapi apa bakat kakak?
But what's your gift, sis?
Ha! Maaf, aku kena buat kerja Madrigal (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Ha! Sorry, I have Madrigal work to do (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Sampai sini sahaja lagu Madrigal (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
This is where the Madrigal song ends (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Tak perlulah cerita dari hujung ke pangkal (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
No need for the story from beginning to end (whoa-oh-oh-oh)
Kita ringkaskanlah kisah Madrigal, ayuh!
Let's summarize the Madrigal story, come on!
(Tentangmu, Mirabel!)
(About you, Mirabel!)
Abuela ketua, Tía Pepa pula melakar cuaca
Abuela's the head, Tía Pepa makes the weather
(Tentangmu, Mirabel!)
(About you, Mirabel!)
Mamá Julieta pakar merawat jiwa dengan arepa
Mamá Julieta specializes in healing souls with arepas
(Tentangmu, Mirabel!)
(About you, Mirabel!)
Papá Agustin, ah, dia cenderung kena bisa
Papá Agustin, ah, he tends to get stung
(Tentangmu, Mirabel!)
(About you, Mirabel!)
Selain mereka, aku ada ramai kakak serta saudara
Besides them, I have many sisters and brothers
(Mirabel!) Camilo, sepupu yang berubah rupa dan merapu
(Mirabel!) Camilo, the cousin who changes shape and rambles
(Mirabel!) Dolores, sepupu yang mampu dengar jauh sebatu
(Mirabel!) Dolores, the cousin who can hear for miles
(Mirabel!) Nah, dan ini Mariano yang dijodohkan dengan semberono
(Mirabel!) Well, and this is Mariano who's haphazardly engaged
(Mirabel!) Tapi kakakku, dia si primadona
(Mirabel!) But my sister, she's the prima donna
Ah, cukuplah, aku takkan mencelah kerana...
Ah, that's enough, I won't interrupt because...
(Mirabel!) Keluargaku hebat
(Mirabel!) My family's great
(Mirabel!) Jadi aku pun dapat
(Mirabel!) So I get
(Mirabel!) Ah...
(Mirabel!) Ah...

Авторы: Lin-manuel Miranda

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