Lindo Habie feat. Sayas - Candala - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lindo Habie feat. Sayas - Candala

Let's do this!
Let's do this!
Lonceng telah berbunyi tanda datang tak berhenti
The bells have rung, a sign of an unending arrival
Ada rahasia ditiap relung diri ini
There are secrets in every corner of this self
Bukan eksistensi tapi perihal esensi
Not about existence but about essence
Bukalah pikiranmu walau harus pedih perih
Open your mind, even if it has to be painful
Tiap pertanda dibaca mencoba cari hikmah
Every sign is read, trying to find wisdom
Walau yang didapat tetap kembali tanda tanya
Even though what you get is still a question mark
Aku ini siapa? Mengapa aku ada?
Who am I? Why am I here?
Bagaimana bila agama benar adanya?
What if religion is real?
Neraka atau surga, manusia sibuk menerka
Hell or heaven, people are busy guessing
Siapa yang paling lantang dia yang jadi juara
Whoever is the loudest is the champion
Sibuk menjadi benar tapi lupa menjadi baik
Busy being right but forgetting to be good
Ego seorang polisi moral mungkin sudah jadi pecandu konflik
The ego of a moral police officer may have become addicted to conflict
Mengapa selalu berdo'a tapi menyebarkan luka?
Why always pray but spread wounds?
Mengapa harus menyembah tapi tak tenangkan jiwa?
Why worship but not calm the soul?
Kita memang percaya atau sekedar persona?
Do we really believe or are we just personas?
Apakah bisa dianggap biasa, persekusi sadis para massa
Can it be considered normal, the brutal persecution of the masses?
Hiduplah terus para penyembah buta!
Live on, you blind worshipers!
Bum! Meledak, seisi dunia terhentak
Boom! It explodes, the whole world is startled
Kebencian merebak hanya karena satu pihak
Hatred is spreading just because of one side
Bum! Melesat, mimpi apa kau buat
Boom! It shoots, what dreams do you make
Asal bicara tanpa pertimbangkan akibat
Speak without considering the consequences
Mengincarnya akhirat tapi selalu jual a
Aiming for the afterlife but always selling a
Sudah dapat amanat tapi jadi keparat
Already got a mandate but became a bastard
Tidak membawa berkat membuat semua tersesat
Not bringing blessings, making everyone lost
Manusia merasa hebat hanya karena punya u
Humans feel great just because they have u
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai!
Bring a message of peace!
Bawa pesan damai
Bring a message of peace
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Aku berdo'a dari lubuk hati
I pray from the bottom of my heart
Karena aku percaya Tuhan masih belum mati
Because I believe God is not dead yet
Seperti kisah malaikat yang diusir karena kesombongan diri
Like the story of the angel who was cast out because of his pride
Kata-kata ku ukir hanya agar kita bisa mawas diri
I carve my words so that we can introspect ourselves
Tapi bila karena hal ini aku dibenci,
But if I am hated because of this,
Aku berjanji setelah ini akan ada lagi
I promise there will be more after this
Karena aku akan terus hidup meski kau bunuh berkali-kali
Because I will continue to live even if you kill me many times
Karena semua tentang esensi bukan eksistensi
Because it's all about essence, not existence
Menyuarakan isi hati meski terdengarnya ironi
Voicing my heart even if it sounds ironic
This is Sayas
This is Sayas
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai (Ey)
Bring a message of peace, break the chain (Ey)
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai (Ey)
Bring a message of peace, break the chain (Ey)
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai (Sayas)
Bring a message of peace, break the chain (Sayas)
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai (Ey)
Bring a message of peace, break the chain (Ey)
Bawa pesan damai, putuskan mata rantai
Bring a message of peace, break the chain

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