Linked Horizon - 紅蓮の弓矢 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Linked Horizon - 紅蓮の弓矢

Crimson Bow and Arrow
Seid ihr das Essen? Nein, wir sind der Jäger!
My dear, are we the prey? No, we are the hunters!
Feuerroter pfeil und bogen...
Fiery red bow and arrow...
踏まれた花の 名前も知らずに
Unaware of the trampled flower's name,
地に墜ちた落ちた鳥は 風を待ちわびる
The fallen bird awaits the wind on the ground.
祈ったところで 何も変わらない
Praying won't change a thing.
《不本意な現状》を変えるのは 戦う覚悟だ...
Changing this 《unfortunate status quo》requires the will to fight...
Stepping over corpses,
進む意思を 嗤う豚よ
You mock my will to move forward, you swine.
The complacency of livestock...
False prosperity...
The "freedom" of the dead wolf!
囚われた屈辱は 反撃の嚆だ
The humiliation of being imprisoned is the first sign of a counterattack.
城壁の其の彼方 獲物を屠る《狩人》
Beyond the castle walls, the 《hunter》 slaughters his prey.
迸る《殺意》に 其の身を灼きながら
Burning his body in the flames of 《killing intent》,
He pierces the twilight with crimson.
Crimson bow and arrow.
矢を番え追い駈ける 標的は逃がさない
He loads the arrow and chases after it, never letting his target escape.
矢を放ち追い詰める 決して逃がさない
He fires the arrow and corners it, never letting it get away.
限界まで引き絞る はち切れそうな弦
He draws the string back to its limit, threatening to snap it.
「標的」が息絶えるまで 何度でも放つ
He fires again and again until the "target" is dead.
Killing the prey is not a matter of
「凶器」でも 技術でもない
"weaponry" or technique.
研ぎ澄まされた お前自身の殺意だ
It is the honed killing intent that lives within you.
Wir sind die Jäger 焔のように熱く!
Dearest, we are the hunters, fierce as fire!
Wir sind die Jäger 氷のように冷ややかに!
We are the hunters, cold as ice!
Wir sind die Jäger 己を矢に込めて!
We are the hunters, loading ourselves into the arrow!
Wir sind die Jäger 全てを貫いて征け!
We are the hunters, piercing everything we pass!
Angriff auf die Titanen
Attack on Titan
Der Junge von einst wird bald zum Schwert greifen
The boy of yesterday will soon take up the sword.
Wer nur seine Machtlosigkeit beklagt. Kann nichts verändern
Those who merely lament their own powerlessness can't change anything.
Der Junge von einst wird bald das schwarze Schwert ergreifen
The boy of yesterday will soon take up the black sword.
Hass und Zorn sind eine zweischneidige Klinge
Hatred and anger are a double-edged sword.
Bald, eines Tages, wird er dem Schicksal die Zähne zeigen
Soon, one day, he will show fate its teeth.
The only one who can change something
Is one who can give something up.
何ひとつ「危険性」等 背負わないままで 何かが叶う等...
To carry the burden of "danger" is to lose the opportunity to gain anything...
暗愚の想定 唯の幻影 今は無謀な勇気も
Foolish assumptions, mere illusions. Now, reckless courage,
「自由」の尖兵 賭けの攻勢
Spearhead of "freedom," an audacious offensive.
Victory to the fleeing slaves!
架せられた不条理は 進撃の嚆だ
The imposed absurdity is the first sign of an advance.
The 《boy》 of that day who longed for the horizon of "freedom" that was taken from him
止めどなき《殺意》に 其の身を侵されながら 宵闇に紫を運ぶ
Carried away by the relentless 《killing intent》 that invades his body, he brings purple to the night.
Arrow of the underworld.

Авторы: Revo, revo

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