Linked Horizon - 最期の戦果 - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Linked Horizon - 最期の戦果

The Final Results of the Battle
壁の彼方 駆けだす影 皆を連れて 南目指す
A figure runs across the plains beyond the walls, leading everyone south.
兵馬の群れ 平和の為 礎となる 意志を抱いて
The hordes of soldiers become the foundation for peace with unwavering determination.
--But now
今は独り 今際の≪同胞≫(とも)
I am alone. My former comrade is now at death's door.
切り捨てても 北を目指す
I leave them behind and continue north.
上手くいかず 馬も無くし 原始的に 原野を奔る
Without a horse, I run wild across the plains, like a primitive being.
壊れた装置は投げ棄てた 鍛えた己の足で往く
I cast aside my broken gear and rely on my own two feet.
No matter how cruel the world may be,
I will never surrender.
What is the blessing of civilization?
Instead of a sword, I have taken up a pen,
Using it to convey my will to fight.
武器を構え 不気味な森 翳りの中 壁を目指す
In the eerie forest, I raise my weapon and aim for the wall.
震える手で 古い(手帳)
With trembling hands, I open an old notebook
記したのは 知り得た事実
And record the truth I have learned.
Fear is always lurking,
Waiting for me to show weakness.
自由を求めて踏み出した 私は最期まで屈しない
I seek freedom, and I will never surrender.
木立の陰に 不意に現れた
Suddenly, a figure emerges from the shadows of the trees.
巨人は何と⁉︎ 口を開きー
A giant! It opens its mouth and speaks!
「...ユ... ミル... の... たみ...」
"...Y...mir... peo...ple..."
「...ユミル... さま...」「よくぞ...」
"...Ymir... sama..."
ーと 意味の有り気な 言葉紡ぐ...
--words filled with meaning...
その姿には... 知性の... 煌く... 素養あり...
In its eyes... I see... intelligence... a spark...
意思の... 疎通が... 可能とみた...
I sense... that communication... is possible...
私は... 言葉を... 振り絞り... 投げー
I... gather... my words... and speak--
かけた問いに 言葉はなく
My questions are met with silence.
ただ... うめき声だけが 森の静寂に響く
Only... moans echo through the silence of the forest.
人類史上初めて 巨人と意思を通わせた...
For the first time in human history, I have communicated with a Titan.
そう思ったのは幻想 現実はいつも限界で
Or so I thought. Reality is often harsh.
上回る(オーバー)... 許容量(キャパシティ)...
It exceeds... my capacity...
キレた... 私は... 矢継ぎ早... 悪意を... 射ちだす...
Enraged... I... unleash... a torrent... of abuse...
"Get out of my sight!"
代わる代わる 変わる事態
The situation changes drastically.
怒号の果て 何処を目指す
Where do I go after this outburst?
追われる影 終わりのない
A hunted shadow, my journey seems endless.
問いに惑う 遠い空の下
Questions linger under the distant sky.
潰えた希望に背を向けて 背負った(翼)を翻し
Turning my back on shattered hopes, I spread my wings,
儚い明日へと走りだす 私は最期まで...
And run towards a fleeting tomorrow.
手にした全てが奪われる 最後は誰にも訪れる
Everything I've gained will be taken away. The end comes for us all.
Life may be meaningless,
But I have fought to the very end.
嗚呼... 私は最期まで屈しない...
Oh... I will never surrender...

Авторы: Revo

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