Lino Golden - Sus Ca Jordan - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lino Golden - Sus Ca Jordan

Sus Ca Jordan
Sus Ca Jordan
Ziua sunt om, sunt activ
I'm a man by day, an artist by night
Seara ma sparg, sunt artist
I let loose in the evening, I'm a star
C-asa facem noi si ne place
That's how we do it, we love it
Vibe-uri doar bune
Nothing but good vibes
N-o sa ma vezi trist (no)
You'll never see me sad (no)
Am intrat in jocul asta
I stepped into this game
Ii vindec ca un farmacist
I heal them like a pharmacist
Trapperi stiu ca dau de greu
Trappers know they've got it hard
Ii enerveaza ca exist
They're annoyed by my existence
Stii ca mi-am intrat in forma
You know I've got my form together
Anul asta sus ca jordan
This year, I'm up like Jordan
Anul, anul asta sus ca jordan
This year, this year, I'm up like Jordan
Nimeni n-a crezut ca voi putea
Nobody thought I could do it
Da vocea interioara imi soptea
But my inner voice whispered
Sa-i rup si sa raman pe treaba mea
To break them and stay on my grind
Oameni sunt falsi peste tot
People are fake everywhere
Jur ca nu va mai suport
I swear I can't stand it anymore
De ce imi spui ca imi esti prieten
Why do you tell me you're my friend
Cand pe la spate vorbesti prost, non-stop
When behind my back you talk trash, nonstop
Bine boss, halal caracter
Okay boss, what a character
Bine ca-s obisnuit, am mintea de fier
It's a good thing I'm used to it, I have a mind of iron
Oamenii ca tine ii las sa vorbeasca
I let people like you talk
Oricum altceva nu stiu sa faca de fel
Anyway, that's all they know how to do
Ce tare esti, peste tot vorbesti
How tough you are, you talk everywhere
Genul tau de om
Your type of man
Boss ce ma scarbesti
Boss, you disgust me
Vezi cate povesti, mai inventezi
Look at all the stories you make up
O sa vada toti, cat de tarfa esti
Everyone will see what a tramp you are
Cum zice Future, da-ti masca jos
Like Future says, take off your mask
Nu mai fi fake, deja-i scarbos
Stop being fake, it's disgusting
Dristor, prea mult sos
Dristor, too much sauce
Am grija, nu dau pe jos
I'm careful, I don't want to get dirty
Stii ca mi-am intrat in forma
You know I've got my form together
Anul asta sus ca jordan
This year, I'm up like Jordan
Anul, anul asta sus ca jordan
This year, this year, I'm up like Jordan
Nimeni n-a crezut ca voi putea
Nobody thought I could do it
Da vocea interioara imi soptea
But my inner voice whispered
Sa-i rup si sa raman pe treaba mea
To break them and stay on my grind

Авторы: Radu Stefan Carstea

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