Little Glee Monster - Ring! Ring! Ring! - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Little Glee Monster - Ring! Ring! Ring!

Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
少しだけだよ ホントホント 慌てて服選んでるわりに
I was only going to be a little late, seriously. I was in a hurry to choose my clothes, but
暇だったからよ ホントホント お気に入りのスカートはいても
I'm seriously bored. I'm wearing my favorite skirt, but
日曜の午後もてあまして こんな日に限って友達もいない
I'm bored on a Sunday afternoon, and now of all times, I don't have any friends.
"近くにいるから "と ヤツの誘い
"I'm nearby," he invites me.
しょうがないから行ってあげる 1時間位はかかるかも
I have no choice but to go. It might take an hour.
ダッシュで身支度整えて 自転車風を切ってぐんぐんこいでる
I quickly got dressed and rode my bike against the wind.
スカートの裾押さえもせずに 気づいたら必死でペダル踏んでる
I didn't even hold down the hem of my skirt. Before I knew it, I was pedaling desperately.
一方通行飛び出しては ことごとく車を止めている
I kept jumping out into oncoming traffic and stopping cars.
立ち乗りだってできちゃうのよ 急な坂でも降りたりしない
I can even ride standing up, and I don't get off even on steep slopes.
仲間内ではチェック入れてた 彼女のイル・イナイも噂になってた
Among my friends, I had heard about her forbidden love, her "ilinai."
"I'm not flattered," "I'm just curious."
速まる足を棚に上げて 自分に言い訳してるみたい
I put my fast pace aside and made excuses to myself.
ダッシュでその先曲がったら 自転車止めて息を鎮めて行こう
I quickly turn the corner ahead and stop my bike to catch my breath.
何食わぬ顔で挨拶して "早く来てあげたよ"なんて言いながら
I greeted her calmly and said, "I came early."
今日はずいぶん目が優しいのね いつもより10倍くらい笑ってる
Her eyes are unusually kind today. She's smiling ten times more than usual.
ふと駅前にある鏡覗けば 髪はぐちゃぐちゃおでこ全開
When I glanced in the mirror at the station, my hair was a mess and my forehead was bare.
まぬけだわ 完全にばれてる
I'm an idiot. It's totally obvious.
肩の力が抜けておしゃべりになる そうだあたしの愛車見せてあげる
My shoulders relaxed and I started talking, "Yes, I'll show you my favorite bike."
ちょっと何よこれ楽しいじゃない ちょっとこういうの 嬉しいじゃない
What's this? This is fun. This kind of thing is nice.
自転車風を切ってぐんぐんこいでる あなたの背中にしがみついてる
I'm riding against the wind, clinging to your back.
With much more acceleration than before.
My joy is also accelerating.

Авторы: Yoshida Miwa

Little Glee Monster - Ring! Ring! Ring!
Ring! Ring! Ring!
дата релиза

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