Lluís Llach - Ara mateix - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lluís Llach - Ara mateix

Ara mateix
Right Now
Ara mateix enfilo aquesta agulla
Right now, I thread this needle
Amb el fil d′un propòsit que no dic
With the thread of a purpose I don't speak of
I em poso a apedaçar. Cap dels prodigis
And I start to mend. None of the prodigies
Que anunciaven taumaturgs insignes
That renowned miracle workers announced
No s'ha complert, i els anys passen de pressa.
Have come true, and the years pass quickly.
De res a poc, i sempre amb vent de cara,
From nothing to little, and always facing the wind,
Quin llarg camí d′angoixa i de silencis.
What a long road of anguish and silences.
I som on som; més val saber-ho i dir-ho
And we are where we are; it's better to know it and say it
I assentar els peus en terra i proclamar-nos
And set our feet on the ground and proclaim ourselves
Hereus d'un temps de dubtes i renúncies
Heirs of a time of doubts and renunciations
En què els sorolls ofeguen les paraules
In which noises drown out the words
I amb molts miralls mig estrafem la vida.
And with many mirrors we half-distort life.
De res no ens val l'enyor o la complanta,
Yearning or complaint are of no use to us,
Ni el toc de displicent malenconia
Nor the touch of complacent melancholy
Que ens posem per jersei o per corbata
That we wear as a sweater or a tie
Quan sortim al carrer. Tenim a penes
When we go out into the street. We barely have
El que tenim i prou: l′espai d′història
What we have and that's enough: the space of history
Concreta que ens pertoca, i un minúscul
Concrete that belongs to us, and a tiny
Territori per viure-la. Posem-nos
Territory to live it. Let's stand
Dempeus altra vegada i que se senti
Up again and let everyone hear
La veu de tots solemnement i clara.
The voice of all solemnly and clearly.
Cridem qui som i que tothom ho escolti.
Let's shout who we are and let everyone hear it.
I en acabat, que cadascú es vesteixi
And then, let everyone dress
Com bonament li plagui, i via fora!,
As they please, and off we go!
Que tot està per fer i tot és possible
Everything is yet to be done and everything is possible
Pensem-la clara aquesta quietud
Let's think clearly about this stillness
Que escampa tants de ressons impensats;
That spreads so many unthought-of echoes;
Pensem-la clara i suggerent, que ens ompli
Let's think of it clearly and suggestively, let it fill us
I'espai concret d′ara mateix, i'espai
The concrete space of right now, the space
En qué no hi ha cap mena de sorpresa
Where there is no surprise
I′tot és vell, i trist, i necessari
And everything is old, and sad, and necessary
Vam girar full temps ha, i alguns s'estenten
We turned the page long ago, and some still lie
A llegir encara la mateixa plana
To read the same page again
Potser el secret és que no hi ha secret
Maybe the secret is that there is no secret
I aquest cami i′hem fet tantes vegades
And we have walked this path so many times
Que ja ningú no se'n sorprén; potser
That no one is surprised anymore; maybe
Caldria que trenquéssim la rutina
We should break the routine
Fent algun gest desmesurat, alguna
By making some excessive gesture, some
Sublimitat que capgirés la história
Sublimity that would turn history upside down
Potser, també, del poc que tenim ara
Maybe, also, from the little we have now
No saben fer-ne i'ús que cal; qui sap!
They don't know how to make the use of it that is needed; who knows!
¿Qui sonó tots -i cadascú per torna-podem
Who are we all - and each in turn - can we
Crear ders d′aquest limits d′ara
Create beyond these limits of now
L'ámbit de llum on tots els vents s′exaltin
The sphere of light where all winds exalt
L'espai de vent on tota veu ressoni?
The space of wind where every voice resonates?
Públicament ens compromet la vida
Publicly life commits us
Públicament i amb tota llei d′indicis
Publicly and with every law of evidence
Serem alló que vulguem ser
We will be what we want to be
Debades fugim del foc si el foc ens justifica
In vain we flee from fire if fire justifies us
Molt lentament giravolta la sinia
Very slowly the waterwheel turns
I passen anys, o segles, fins que i'aigua
And years, or centuries, pass until the water
S′enfila al cim més alt i, gloriosa
Climbs to the highest peak and, glorious
Proclama la claror per tots els ámbits
Proclaims clarity in all areas
Molt lentament davallen aleshores
Very slowly then descend
Els catúfols per recollir més aigua
The buckets to collect more water
Així s'escriu la história
This is how history is written
Saber-ho no pot sobtar ni decebre ningú
Knowing this should not surprise or disappoint anyone
Massa sovint girem els ulls encara
Too often we still turn our eyes
I el gest traeix angoixa i defallences
And the gesture betrays anguish and weaknesses
L'enyor, voraç, ens xucla la mirada
Longing, voracious, sucks our gaze
I eng gela el moll del sentiment
And freezes the pier of feeling
De totes les solituds, aquesta és la més fosca
Of all solitudes, this is the darkest
La més feroç, i persistent, i amarga
The most ferocious, and persistent, and bitter
Convé saber-ho i convé, d′altra banda
It is good to know this and it is good, on the other hand
Pensar el futur lluminós i possible
To think of the future as bright and possible
Ni cap llevant luxuriós, ni cap ponent, ni cap ponent solemne
Neither a luxurious east, nor a west, nor a solemn west
Més ens çal saber que no hi ha grans misteris
We need to know that there are no great mysteries
Ni un ocell d′ales immenses que ens empari;
Nor a bird with immense wings to shelter us;
Res d'alló que tants de cops han proclamat
None of what so many times has been proclaimed
Amb vue mesella foscos endevins
With a honeyed voice by dark fortune tellers
Posem la damunt la i els anys
Let's put our hand on our hand and the years
Conferiran duresa a cada gest
Will confer hardness to each gesture
Compartirem misteris i desigs
We will share mysteries and desires
D′arrel molt noble i secreta, en l'espai
Of a very noble and secret root, in the space
De temps que algú permetrá que visquem
Of time that someone will allow us to live
Compartirem projectes i neguits
We will share projects and anxieties
Plaers i dols amb dignitat extrema
Pleasures and sorrows with extreme dignity
L′aigua i la set, l'amor i el desamor
Water and thirst, love and lack of love
Tot aixó junt, i més, ha de donar-nos
All this together, and more, must give us
L′aplom secret, la claredat volguda
The secret aplomb, the desired clarity
Ni llocs ni noms ni espai suficient
Neither places nor names nor enough space
Per replantar l'arbreda, ni cap riu
To replant the grove, nor any river
Que remunti el seu curs i ens alci el cos
That goes back up its course and lifts our bodies
Per damunt de l'oblit
Above oblivion
Tots sabem que no hi ha camp obert per cap retorn
We all know well that there is no open field for any return
Que no hi ha camp obert per cap retorn
That there is no open field for any return
Ni solc en mar a l′hora del perill
Nor furrow at sea in the hour of danger
Posem senyals de pedra pels camins
Let's put stone markers along the paths
Senyals concrets, de fonda plenitud
Concrete signs, of deep fullness
En clau de temps i amb molt de patiment
In the key of time and with much suffering
Vet ací com podem guanyar el combat
This is how we can win the battle
Que de fa tant de temps lliurem, intrépids
That we have been waging for so long, intrepid
En clau de temps i poster en solitud
In the key of time and later in solitude
Acumulant en cadascú la força
Accumulating in each one the strength
De tots plegats i projectant-la enfora
Of all together and projecting it outwards
Solc rera solc per ma de cada dia
Furrow after furrow by the hand of each day
Pas rera pas amb voluntat d′aurora
Step by step with the will of dawn
Vam preservar del vent i de l'oblit
We preserved from the wind and oblivion
La integritat d′uns ámbits, d'uns projectes
The integrity of some areas, of some projects
En qué ens véiem tots junts créixer i combatre
In which we saw ourselves all growing and fighting together
I ara, ¿Quin fosc refús, quina peresa
And now, what dark refusal, what laziness
Malmet l′impuls de renovada fúria
Damages the impulse of renewed fury
Que ens feia quasi delejar la lluita?
That made us almost desire the fight?
Del fons dels any, crida, barbullent
From the depths of the year, shouts, bubbling
La llum d'un temps expectant i frondós
The light of an expectant and leafy time
Convertirem els silencis en or
We will turn silences into gold
I els mots en foc
And words into fire
La pell d′aquest retorn acumula la pluja
The skin of this return accumulates the rain
I els afanys esborren privilegis
And the efforts erase privileges
Lentament emergim del gran pou, here's amunt
Slowly we emerge from the great well, upwards
I no pas a recer de cap malastre
And not under the shelter of any disaster
Convertirem el vell dolor en amor
We will turn the old pain into love
I el llegarem, solemnes, a la história
And we will bequeath it, solemnly, to history
Convertirem el vell dolor en amor
We will turn the old pain into love
I el llegarem, solemnes, a la história
And we will bequeath it, solemnly, to history
Convertirem el vell dolor en amor
We will turn the old pain into love
I el llegarem, solemnes, a la história
And we will bequeath it, solemnly, to history

Авторы: Lluís Llach, Miquel Martí I Pol

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