Lluís Llach - La madame - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lluís Llach - La madame

La madame
The Madame
Ningú sap el seu nom
Nobody knows her name
Tothom li deia la "Madame"
Everybody calls her "The Madame"
Rodona com una nou
Round as a nut
Estirada i suant
Stretched out and sweating
A la platja amb el seu mallot
On the beach in her swimsuit
Que va comprar a "Samaritan"
That she bought at "Samaritan"
Turista a la planxa
Tourist on the grill
Amb oli, sorra i sal
With oil, sand, and salt
I els nois que per la platja
And the boys on the beach
La senten dolça roncar
Hear her sweet snoring
Amb aires de coqueta
With a flirtatious air
Amant de qualsevol amant
Lover of any lover
L′envolten i li canten
They surround her and sing to her
El cor li fan esvalotar
They make her heart flutter
Arrugues que s'amaguen
Wrinkles that are hidden
Divises a guanyar
Dividends to be won
Oh, que esvelta i maca
Oh, how slender and beautiful
Que està avui, "Madame"
She looks today, "Madame"
Sembla una sirena sortida del mar
She looks like a mermaid out of the sea
Quins cabells més ben tintats que duu "Madame"
What beautifully dyed hair she has, "Madame"
I ella res comprèn
And she doesn't understand anything
Ensenya una dent
She shows a tooth
Riu, riu i res no diu
Laughs and laughs and says nothing
Quina panxa més rodona "Madame"
What a round belly she has, "Madame"
Les arrugues són gentils i sensuals
The wrinkles are gentle and sensual
Per poc preu seria el vostre amant "Madame"
For a small price she would be your lover, "Madame"
I ella res comprèn
And she doesn't understand anything
Ensenya una dent
She shows a tooth
Riu, riu i res no diu
Laughs and laughs and says nothing
I te n′aniràs a França
And you will go to France
Maleta plena de records
Suitcase full of memories
Barrets i castanyoles, conyacs i mocadors
Hats and castanets, cognacs and handkerchiefs
Enveja de veïnes que no han tingut la sort
The envy of neighbors who have not had the luck
D'anar a terres fadrines i comprar una cançó
To go to foreign lands and buy a song

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