Lluís Llach - Penyora - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lluís Llach - Penyora

Tot era a punt per poder oblidar-se
All was ready to be able to forget
Quan de puntetes passés el temps
When on my toes, I spent time
Mentre vestíem prudents
While we cautiously dressed
Els adéus d′un matí...
The farewells of a morning...
Cap déu no feia preveure res, res,
No god predicted anything, nothing,
Que anés enllà d'un moment bonic,
Which went beyond a beautiful moment,
Però el mag que inventa el destí
But the magician who invents destiny
Va creuar els camins.
Crossed our paths.
I ara anem de costat
And now we go side by side
Fins al mai, fins al mai,
Until the never, until the never,
Obrint ales als déus
Opening wings to the gods
Com el vent, com el vent que m′empeny...
Like the wind, like the wind that pushes me...
No t'esperava ni era el temps
I was not expecting you, nor was it the time
Pels sentiments que enxarxen els cors,
For the feelings that entwine hearts,
Jo anava cap a un ponent
I was heading towards a sunset
On els déus m'hi fan lloc.
Where the gods make a place for me.
Avui ets mar on el meu llagut
Today you are a sea where my boat
Omple la vela només amb tu,
Fills its sail only with you,
Alè que no eres en mi, ni previst,
Breath that you were not in me, or expected,
Ni volgut...
Or wanted...
Anem junts, poc a poc
We go together, little by little
Més que mai, més que mai
More than ever, more than ever
I ens sabem pel demà
And we know each other for tomorrow
Sempre a prop, sempre a prop.
Always close, always close.
Anem... encara tinc en algun cel
We go... I still have in some heaven
Velles joguines d′altres temps,
Old toys from other times,
Ombres de lluna i foc d′estels,
Shadows of moon and fire of stars,
Anem, junts ...
Let's go together...
Anem... si el cos em dóna encara un gest
We go... if my body still gives me a gesture
Serà per tu i teu només,
It will be for you and only for you,
Per tornar a aprendre l'art d′un bes,
To relearn the art of a kiss,
Anem... junts... anem.
We go... together... we go.

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