Atrás del horizonte, la gente siempre se queda donde dice que hay que estar.
Behind the horizon, people always stay where they are told to be.
Y me dijeron muchas veces: no te muevas de aquí.
And I was told many times: don't move from here.
Suerte que nunca les creí.
Luckily, I never believed them.
Yo vivo, el aire que respiro es siempre una gran novedad.
I live, the air I breathe is always a great novelty.
Yo vivo, mírame a las manos son nubes, viento y luz.
I live, look at my hands, they are clouds, wind and light.
Sabes que el cielo está ahí, no me mira es así, no te das cuenta que no es demasiado grande si te mueves junto a mí; hay que aprender a huir.
You know the sky is there, it doesn't look at me like that, you don't realize that it's not too big if you move next to me; you have to learn to run away.
No voy a caer.Conocí a alguien que no creía que se pudiera ser.
I will not fall. I met someone who did not believe that you could be.
Dicen que nadie nunca podrá volar hasta allá.
They say that no one will ever be able to fly that far.
Es tan fácil lastimarse, todo puede ser, pero sé que lo quiero y lo tendré.
It's so easy to get hurt, anything can happen, but I know that I want it and I will have it.
Yo vivo, busco y encontraré solo la verdad.
I live, I seek and I will find only the truth.
Sabes que el cielo está ahí, no me mira es así, no te das cuenta que no es demasiado grande si te mueves junto a mi; hay que aprender a huir.
You know that the sky is there, it doesn't look at me like that, you don't realize that it's not too big if you move by my side; we must learn to flee.
Porque a veces no es tan fácil, si lo se.
Because sometimes it's not that easy, if I know.
Yo me agarro fuerte al hilo de mis sueños, y los hago resbalar sobre mi.
I hold on tight to the thread of my dreams, and I make them slide over me.
Sabes que el cielo está ahí, no me mira es así.
You know that the sky is there, it doesn't look at me like that.
No es demasiado grande si te mueves junto a mi; hay que aprender a huir.
It's not too big if you move by my side; you have to learn to escape.
No voy a caer.
I will not fall.
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