Loko Loko - Nedostupný - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Loko Loko - Nedostupný

Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another
Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another
Teraz som tu potom som tam
Now I'm here, then I'm there
Otváram váhu zas daľší gram
I open the scale and add another gram
Nerob si srandu spravil som sám
Don't make fun of me, I did it myself
Zavri si piču keď niečo chcem idem si preto a mám
Shut your mouth, when I want something, I go for it and get it
Spúšťa sa tichý alarm
A silent alarm goes off
Ale ja dobre viem kam a naraz tam zo všetkých strán
But I know where to go, and suddenly they're there, surrounding me
Každý ťahá svoju zbraň
Everyone pulls out their gun
Hecklar & koch zlý pohyb bám na ktm nasadám
Heckler & Koch, one wrong move, and I glance at the KTM and mount it
Plný plyn dám
I'll go full throttle
Po troch minútach som sám
In three minutes I'm all alone
Tento raz zas neplatil daň
This time again, he didn't pay his taxes
A keď som bol v kľude doma
And when I was finally at peace at home
Tak nad ránom si došli pre mňa
They came for me at dawn
Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another
Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another
Mechanizmy tajné a skryté
The mechanisms are secret and hidden
200g skera dostaneš za liter 20 rokov sa to sype
200g of coke, you'll get it for a liter, it's been going on for 20 years
Povedz ty piča že čo ty vieš vôbec o živote
Tell me, bitch, what do you know about life?
Účinky začneš cítiť po tretej sekunde
You'll start feeling the effects after three seconds
Vonku je spln
There's a full moon outside
A chlapci všetci na love
And the boys are all on the hunt
Od jak živa bolí hlava
My head has been hurting since forever
Každá krysa dôjde chvíľa
Every rat's time will come
Otvorí sa naraz brána
The gate will suddenly open
Môžeš skúšať ale neschováš sa
You can try, but you won't hide
Budúce dni nebudem dostupný
I won't be available for the next few days
Ale potom si môžeš byť istý
But then you can be sure
Že budú horeť zase všetky linky
That all the lines will be burning again
Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another
Dneska nejsom dostupný
I'm not available today
Lebo môj mobil v cele našli
Because my cell phone was found in the cell
Dneska hrajem s ostatnými karty
I'm playing cards with the others today
Kým mi nedonesie niekto daľší
Until someone brings me another

Авторы: Loko Loko

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