Lola Yuldasheva feat. Shaxriyor - Ko'nikmadim - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lola Yuldasheva feat. Shaxriyor - Ko'nikmadim

I Can't Get Used to It
Birinchi uchrashuvni esladim, esla sen ham
I remember our first meeting, remember it too
Ikkimizdan qolgan yodgorlik bormi?
Is there a keepsake left from the two of us?
Men o′zgarmadim, sen ham o'shasan
I haven't changed, you're the same
Qani o′sha sevgi, senda shu savol bormi?
Where is that love, do you have that question?
Tungi osmonda so'ngan bo'lsa yulduzlar
If the stars in the night sky went out
Bil, sen ko′nglimda o′chmas bo'lib qolgansan
Know, you've become unquenchable in my heart
Yer bilan osmon ehtimol o′rin almashar
Earth and sky will probably change places
Ammo seni, sevgim, hech kimga alishmasman
But I won't trade you, my love, for anyone
Yuzim kulib turar, dil esa xasta
My face is smiling, but my heart is sick
Kim menga sendayin yor bo'la oldi?
Who could be a dearer friend to me than you?
Hech kim, deya javob berdim ohista
Nobody, I answered quietly
Egallagan sevgi qafasi, unda men yolg′izman hamon
The cage of love has taken over, in it I'm still alone
Chegarasini ko'rmay ezilar yurak yomon
Not seeing the boundaries, the heart breaks badly
Mehringni his etay va uzoqlarga ketay
And I'll feel your affection and go far away
Bir bora tushlarimga endi kel, kel
Come to my dreams for once, come on, come on
My heart...
My feelings...
Nega sendan voz kecholmas?
Why can't I give up on you?
Nega seni unutolmas?
Why can't I forget you?
My words...
My eyes...
Sendan o'zgani ko′rishga...
To see someone else from you...
O′zgani sevishga ko'nikmadi!
To love someone else, it's not used to it!
Not used to it!
Men sensizlikka ko'nikdim, ko′nikkin sen ham
I've gotten used to being without you, get used to it too
Unut meni, yurak o'zgaga zor, deding
Forget me, the heart is hard for someone else, you said
Yozgan she′rlarimni birma-bir o'qib chiqsam
If I read my written poems one by one
Har bir satrlarimda, har bir so'zida bor eding
In every line of mine, in every word, you were there
Menga sevgi dengizini ilk bora sen ochding
You opened the sea of love for me for the first time
So′ngra tubiga tortarding
Then you'd drag me to the bottom
Yoqamni qo′yvormay
Don't let go of my collar
Meni bundan halos et
Free me from this torment
Ikkimizga ham qolmasmu armon?
Is there no mercy left for either of us?
Balki men bunga ko'nikolmadim, ammo
Maybe I haven't gotten used to it, but
Mehringni his etay va uzoqlarga ketay
And I'll feel your affection and go far away
Bir bora tushlarimga endi kel, kel
Come to my dreams for once, come on, come on
Yuragim... (Yuragim)
My heart... (My heart)
Hislarim... (Hislarim)
My feelings... (My feelings)
Nega sendan (Nega?) voz kecholmas? (Nega ayt?)
Why can't I give up on you? (Why?) tell me (Why say?)
Nega seni unutolmas?
Why can't I forget you?
So′zlarim... (So'zlarim)
My words... (My words)
Ko′zlarim... (Ko'zlarim)
My eyes... (My eyes)
Sendan o′zgani ko'rishga...
To see someone else from you...
O'zgani sevishga...
To love someone else...
Yuragim... (Yuragim)
My heart... (My heart)
Hislarim... (Hislarim)
My feelings... (My feelings)
Nega sendan (Nega?) voz kecholmas? (Nega ayt?)
Why can't I give up on you? (Why?) tell me (Why say?)
Nega seni unutolmas?
Why can't I forget you?
So′zlarim... (So′zlarim)
My words... (My words)
Ko'zlarim... (Ko′zlarim)
My eyes... (My eyes)
Sendan o'zgani ko′rishga...
To see someone else from you...
O'zgani sevishga ko′nikmadi!
To love someone else, it's not used to it!
Alam deymu, borim deymu (Ko'nikmadim)
Is it torture, do I have to (I'm not used to it)
O'tkan kunlar sevgi deymu?
Were the past days of love?
Yoki tuyg′ulardan jo′shib
Or did I boil over with emotions
Seni unutmadim deymu?
And haven't forgotten you?

Авторы: Rizanovauz

Lola Yuldasheva feat. Shaxriyor - Ko'nikmadim
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