Voll daneben (Hölle, Hölle, Hölle) - Part 2 [Fegefeuer Mix]
Completely Off (Hell, Hell, Hell) - Part 2 [Purgatory Mix]
Empeze desde chamaco y asi es como me apodaron Yo siempre andube al llavaso con el jefe, me voy muy agradecido, la verdad nunca me olvido del aprecio que me tuvo el y su gente
I've been hustling since I was a kid and that's how I got my nickname I was always on call with the boss, I'm very grateful, the truth is I never forget the appreciation that he and his people had for me
Fui soldado de la mafia siempre defendi la plaza desde plebe todo el tiempo andube al tiro
I was a soldier of the mob I always defended the plaza since I was a rookie all the time I was on the lookout
Solo que aquella mañana empezaria la pachanga y en vez de agarrar las armas las perdimos.
Only that morning the party would start and instead of grabbing the guns we lost them
Fueron muchas las ganadas pero esa vez las playas no pudimos nisiquiera defendernos
There were many victories but that time we couldn't even defend the beaches
Los disparos acertaban pude ver como las balas una a una se internaban en mi cuerpo
The shots were hitting I could see how the bullets one by one were entering my body
Depronto no tuve pulso creo que todo se detuvo derrepente el mundo se me obscurecio
Suddenly I had no pulse I think everything stopped suddenly the world went dark for me
En tan solo unos minutos lejos se olle un reborujo pero dicen que mi compa la libro
In just a few minutes far away there is a commotion but they say my partner made it out
No voy a entrar en detalles pero el hombre del volante es buen amigo y conocido donde quiera
I'm not going to go into details but the man behind the wheel is a good friend and known everywhere
Sigue pesando su clave y en sonora todos saben, que siempre portamos la misma bandera
His nickname still holds weight and in Sonora everyone knows that we always carry the same flag
Justicieros como el jefe nunca tienten inocentes esa frase siempre se nos inculco
Vigilantes like the boss never tempt the innocent that phrase was always instilled in us
Acoplados en combate hay muchas que contarles imponiendo el reglamento del señor
Geared up in combat there are many to tell you about imposing the rules of the lord
Hubo gente de alto rango que estimaron al chamaco muchas manos se empalmaron en mi hombro entregado a mi trabajo me hice adicto del relajo y ala orden si habia que brindar apoyo
There were high-ranking people who esteemed the kid many hands were joined on my shoulder dedicated to my work I became addicted to the chaos and ready to support if needed
Abordo de varios carros me movi con mis muchachos la verdad que fueron muchas aventuras
I moved around in several cars with my boys the truth is that there were many adventures
Adios ami 5-7 mi pechera y mis juguetes yo se que no olvidaran mis travesuras
Goodbye to my 5-7 my chest plate and my toys I know they will not forget my adventures
Cuantos pueblos recorri, cuantas cosas aprendi tengo claro que no es facil esta vida luche
How many towns I traveled through, how many things I learned I'm sure that this life is not easy I fought
Por sobrevivir, luego sin luchar perdi y al perder deje un dolor en mi familia no quiero verlos
To survive, then without a fight I lost and when I lost I left a pain in my family I don't want to see them
Llorando recuerden que este muchacho, de chamaco siempre fue un hombre de agallas me despido de mi gente, de mis compas de mi jefe nunca olviden aquella vez de las playas!
Crying remember that this boy, as a kid was always a man of courage I say goodbye to my people, to my partners to my boss never forget that time on the beaches!
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