Lord Byron - When We Two Parted текст песни

Текст песни When We Two Parted - Lord Byron

When we two parted
In silence and tears,
Half broken-hearted
To sever for years,
Pale grew thy cheek and cold,
Colder thy kiss;
Truly that hour foretold
Sorrow to this.
The dew of the morning
Sunk chill on my brow--
It felt like the warning
Of what I feel now.
Thy vows are all broken,
And light is thy fame;
I hear thy name spoken,
And share in its shame.
They name thee before me,
A knell to mine ear;
A shudder comes o'er me--
Why wert thou so dear?
They know not I knew thee,
Who knew thee too well--
Long, long shall I rue thee,
Too deeply to tell.
In secret we met--
In silence I grieve,
That thy heart could forget,
Thy spirit deceive.
If I should meet thee
After long years,
How should I greet thee?--
With silence and tears.


Lord Byron - The Poetry of Lord Byron
Альбом The Poetry of Lord Byron
дата релиза

1 Darkness
2 So We'll Go No More a Roving - Moon
3 When We Two Parted
4 She Walks in Beauty
5 Lord Byron - An Introduction
6 The Devil's Drive - an Unfinished Rhapsody
7 For Music
8 Stanzas for Music
9 The Destruction of Sennacherib
10 The Dark Blue Sea
11 Sonnet to Lake Leman
12 Written After Swimming from Sestos to Abydos
13 The Isles of Greece
14 Lachin y Gair
15 There Is a Pleasure in the Pathless Woods
16 Cricket at Harrow
17 The Prisoner of Chillon
18 Advice to a Girl
19 I Would to Heaven That I Was so Much Clay
20 A Riddle on the Letter E
21 On My Thirty Third Birthday, January 22nd 1821
22 The Vampyre
23 John Keats
24 I Speak Not, I Trace Not, I Breathe Not Thy Name
25 To a Lady Who Presented to the Author a Lock of Hair Braided with His Own and Appointed a Night in December to Meet Him in the Garden
26 Remember Thee! Remember Thee!
27 The Tear
28 The First Kiss Love

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