Los Aldeanos - Odio a Primera Vista - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Aldeanos - Odio a Primera Vista

Odio a Primera Vista
Hate at First Sight
Que ha sido un placer Amargarte la
It has been a pleasure making your
Vida todo este tiempo OHOOHOHO REAL 70 MOLESTANDO
Life miserable all this time OHOOHOHO REAL 70 BOTHERING
(El B)
(El B)
Un nuevo día comienza y soy presa... De la persecución social
A new day begins and I am a prisoner... Of social persecution
Y es que esto de ser uno mismo es peor que un negocio ilegal
And this thing about being yourself is worse than an illegal business
Vuelve la letal cara del mal mi amigo
The lethal face of evil returns, my friend
Y todo se agrava si otro acaba por identificarse contigo
And everything gets worse if someone else ends up identifying with you
Soy perseguido todo el tiempo en las esquinas
I am persecuted all the time on the corners
Convertido en el blanco preferido de la vecina
Turned into the neighbor's favorite target
Que opina que no entiende cómo es que soy maestro
Who thinks she doesn't understand how I can be a teacher
Que mi bulla la molesto que el rap es mierda y protesto en mis textos
That my noise bothers her, that rap is shit, and I protest in my lyrics
Que su hijo escucha esto y se ha vuelto un infierno su hogar.!
That her son listens to this and his home has become hell.!
Porque le ha dado por hablar mal del gobierno
Because he has started speaking ill of the government
Dice que debo estar preso que en la calle sobro
She says that I should be in jail, that I am superfluous on the street
Y olvida que bello es dar flores por la boca los días del cobro
And she forgets how beautiful it is to give flowers with your mouth on payday
Que soy más ogro que shek y no me re- siste
That I am more of an ogre than Shrek and she can't stand me
Le dice atrás no viste no te dio acides?
She says behind my back, "Didn't you see him? Didn't he give you heartburn?"
Su estupidez nata no mata mi lado cortes
Her innate stupidity doesn't kill my courteous side
Le seguiré dando mi asiento en el P3
I will continue to give her my seat on the P3
De cuando en ves me saluda
From time to time she greets me
De vez en cuando duda. En regalarme una hipócrita sonrisa muda
From time to time she hesitates... To give me a hypocritical silent smile
Me apoda vulgar en la acera porque dije REPINGA
She calls me vulgar on the sidewalk because I said "REPINGA"
En la canción que convenció a su niño de seguir la escuela
In the song that convinced her child to stay in school
Que no le llego a la suela dijo
That I don't reach her sole, she said
Frunció entre seco Pues le conteste
She frowned dryly, so I replied
Ahí es cuando le digo
That's when I tell her
Váyase por donde vino su cretino no es mejor que Aldo
Go back to where you came from, your cretin is no better than Aldo
Mande to o el fino
Send everything or the fine stuff
Fino, la debe pasar mal. No tiene computadora
Fine, she must have a hard time. She doesn't have a computer
Pero en su juego soy el vecino infernal
But in her game, I am the infernal neighbor
que bien en el fondo me adora soy optimista
I know that deep down she adores me, I am optimistic
Vaya sentimiento su odio a primera vista
What a feeling, her hate at first sight
La que te toca punto pa tu boca si lo dejamos por mi
The one that touches you, period, for your mouth, if we leave it up to me
Debes estar loca
You must be crazy
No porque mi forma e ser a ti te choca si tu no
I don't know why my way of being clashes with you if you don't
Me alimentas ni yo a ti te compro ropa
Feed me, nor do I buy you clothes
Tus comentarios ya no me provocan No te alcanza con
Your comments no longer provoke me, you are not satisfied with
Tu vida y quieres vivir otra
Your life and you want to live another
Compramos una pila e pepino alcohol y muchas motas
We bought a pile of cucumbers, alcohol, and lots of weed
(CORRE) que vamos pa allá con toa la tropa
(RUN) we're going there with the whole crew
Señora se habrá quedado pegada en la ventana?
Ma'am, have you gotten stuck to the window?
Me cae más mal que levantarme a las 7 de la mañana
I dislike you more than getting up at 7 in the morning
Porque no se empina pomo de amixtrictilina
Why don't you down a bottle of amitriptyline
Con un buche e gasolina
With a swig of gasoline
Y se acuesta un rato en la cama
And lie down for a while in bed
Le pondré una rana... En su persiana preferida
I'll put a frog... On your favorite blind
Y luego la empujara del 5ºto sin paracaídas
And then I'll push you from the 5th floor without a parachute
Ayer soñé que usted me había pedido perdón
Yesterday I dreamed that you had asked me for forgiveness
Y que con una bazuca VIEJA PUTA le tumbe el balcón
And that with a bazooka, OLD BITCH, I would knock down your balcony
Qué situación NA ma me sabes vigilar
What a situation, NA ma you only know how to watch me
De quien baja jefe e sector de paso hay que enseñarlo
Who comes down, boss of the sector, by the way, we have to teach him how to
Todos en el barrio saben que ustedes son amantes
Everyone in the neighborhood knows that you two are lovers
Y que si no se le para. Lo ampara un desodorante
And that if he can't get it up... He's covered by a deodorant
Cuando es su cumpleaños? hágamelo saber
When is your birthday? Let me know
Que un regalo en nombre de los míos yo le quiero hacer
Because I want to give you a gift on behalf of mine
Lo conseguiré lo tengo concebido
I'll get it, I have it conceived
Un consolador un vibrador pero para sus oídos
A dildo, a vibrator, but for your ears
Cuélguese por el ombligo... Que a medias saque emociones
Hang yourself by your belly button... That you half-way express emotions
Estudie no se póngase un piercing en los pezones
Study, don't get a piercing in your nipples
O unos cojones de juguete entre las piernas
Or some toy balls between your legs
Dele un beso al banda del video y métase la linterna
Kiss the guy in the video and stick the flashlight in
Actúa que realmente parece una monja
Act, you really look like a nun
Me mira me toco el pito se que la chocha se le moja
You look at me, I touch my dick, I know your pussy gets wet
Conmigo no la coja... yo no soy un envidioso
Don't get it with me... I'm not jealous
Colóquese el hilo en la raja y tírese un peo apestoso
Put the thread in your crack and fart stinky
Y me desplazo muy feliz (MUY FELIZ) gracias a usted
And I move very happy (VERY HAPPY) thanks to you
Me siento como 2pac todos los ojos sobre
I feel like 2pac, all eyes on me
Porque no se tatúa un rabo en el cachete izquierdo
Why don't you tattoo a cock on your left cheek
Y en el derecho un cartel que diga ya no te recuerdo
And on the right a sign that says "I don't remember you anymore"
Pa el desvelo, cara e puerco, Peste, espíritu de monte
For insomnia, pig face, Pest, mountain spirit
Ponga su rolo en el bollo si se siente solo el hoyo donde
Put your roller in the bun if you feel lonely, the hole where
Este respeto del que dice que presume
This respect that she says she boasts
Si se mete cuatro buches y habla mal hasta de su blúmer
If she takes four sips and speaks ill even of her panties
Maritrini tu esta banquea? Si cuando te mueras tu no
Maritrini, are you fronting? Yes, when you die, you don't
Alquilas al riquinbilli
Rent the riquinbilli
échasela como es
throw it like it is
La que te toca punto pa tu boca si lo dejamos por
The one that touches you, period, for your mouth, if we leave it up to
Mi debes estar loca
Me, you must be crazy
No porque mi forma e ser a ti te choca si tu
I don't know why my way of being clashes with you if you
No me alimentas ni yo a ti te compro ropa
Don't feed me, nor do I buy you clothes
Tus comentarios ya no me provocan No te alcanza con
Your comments no longer provoke me, you are not satisfied with
Tu vida y quieres vivir otra
Your life and you want to live another
Compramos una pila e pepino alcohol y muchas motas
We bought a pile of cucumbers, alcohol, and lots of weed
(CORRE) que vamos pa allá con toa la tropa
(RUN) we're going there with the whole crew
(CORRE) que vamos pa allá con toa la tropa
(RUN) we're going there with the whole crew
(CORRE) que vamos pa alla con toa la tropa
(RUN) we're going there with the whole crew

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