Los Buchones de Culiacán - El Fantasma [Explicit] - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Buchones de Culiacán - El Fantasma [Explicit]

El Fantasma [Explicit]
The Ghost [Explicit]
Aqui sigo escribiendo la historia,
Here I am still writing my own story,
Traigo un cuerno apoyado en mis manos,
I am holding a horn with both of my hands,
Del cartel mas grande y poderoso,
From the largest and most powerful cartel in the world,
Soy cerebro y tambien soy soldado,
I am a mind and I am also a soldier,
Uniformes tacticas de guerra,
Tactical war uniforms,
Para peliar fuimos programados.
We were programmed to fight.
Mi trayectoria todos conocen,
Everyone knows my history,
Estube en las filas militares,
I used to serve in the military,
Mi bandera nunca eeh traicionado,
I have never betrayed my flag,
Efectivo y ellos ya lo saben,
I am effective and they know it,
Yo le jure lealtad a un amigo,
I have sworn my loyalty to a friend,
Y a Joaquin ya se lo eeh demostrado.
And to Joaquin, I have proven that I am loyal.
No me teman por ser un fantasma,
Don't be afraid of me because I am a ghost,
Mi apariencia no marka un reflejo,
My appearance does not reflect my true self,
En la guerra nunca me han tentado,
I have never been disappointed in the war,
Tampoko qiero morir de viejo,
I don't want to die old either,
Soy sureño y de sangre efectiva,
I am from the south, and my blood runs thick,
Culiacan ahora son mis terrenos.
Culiacan is now my territory.
Gerar que apoya mi equipo,
Gerar who supports my team,
Primero mando para mis halcones,
First, I send my orders to my falcons,
Tambien fui oficial de infanteria,
I was also an infantry officer,
Traigo mi manual de operaciones,
I carry my operations manual,
Amistades armas explosivas,
Friends, weapons, explosives,
10 morteros pa tumbar aviones.
10 mortars to shoot down airplanes.
Desierto me llaman en las filas,
They call me Desert in the ranks,
Yo les llamo traidores sin causa,
I call them traitors without a cause,
Hoy defiendo al señor con mi vida,
Today, I risk my life to defend my Lord,
El bravo siempre al 100 con su raza,
The brave are always there for their people,
Aki esta el equipo del mayo,
Here is Mayo's team,
Son guerreros peliando la causa.
Warriors who fight for the cause.
Pecheras granadas y bazukas,
Breastplates, grenades, and bazookas,
El equipo de mi artilleria,
My artillery equipment,
Me apodan el famoso fantasma,
They call me the famous ghost,
Me aparesco de noche y de dia,
I appear both at night and during the day,
Señor agradesco su confianza,
My Lord, I am grateful for your trust,
Mi vida responde por su vida
My life answers for your life

Авторы: Miguel Angel Soto Munoz, Juan Carlos Sr Soto Sierra

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