Los Cadetes De Linares - El Mas Buscado - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Cadetes De Linares - El Mas Buscado

El Mas Buscado
The Most Wanted
Hay un satelite gringo que
There is an American satellite looking at
Mira pa MICHOACAN en
Over MICHOACAN looking for
Busca de un figitivo del rumbo
A fugitive from the area
Vazquez Mendoza de esos que
Vazquez Mendoza one of those who
Poco se dan
Few give themselves up
Son 2 millones y cuarto de dlls
It's 2.25 million dollars
Y al contado lo que dan de
And in cash, what they're offering as a
Recompensapor el hombre mas
Reward for the most wanted
Buscado es el mas caro del mundo
He's the most expensive in the world
La DEA lo tiene exortado
The DEA has put him under
En aguiliya su foto se anuncia en
In Aguiliya his picture is posted on
Cualquier pared la DEA y el FBI
Every wall, the DEA and the FBI
Lo piden por internet mato a un
They want him on the internet, he killed
Policia gringo por eso andan
An American policeman, that's why they're after
Tras de el
Con mi pequeno morrall... y con mi
With my small backpack... and my
Cuerno de chivo Agustin Vazquez
Chivo horn Agustin Vazquez
Mendoza solo una cosa si me llegan
Mendoza just one thing if they get
Agarrar de aqui no me llevan vivo
To catch me here from here they won't take me alive
Aguiliya y el aguaje ahi nadie
Aguiliya and el aguaje nobody
Conoce a nadie se escuchan las
Knows anyone, you can hear the
Metrayetas entre cantar de las
Machine guns between the singing of the
Aves nadie se mete a la Sierra
Birds nobody goes into the mountains
Por que no saben si salen
Because they don't know if they'll get out
Al Rancho Del Limonsito mas de
At Rancho Del Limonsito more than
200 soldades federales y hasta
200 federal soldiers and even
Gringos y esas madrinas mentados
Gringos and those famous godmothers
Aunque vinieron por cielo pues me
Although they came by heaven, they did
Hicieron los mandados
My errands for me
Hay un satelite gringo que busca mi
There is an American satellite looking for my
Ubicacion aunque me encuentro en la
Location even though I am in the
Sierra me ven por television si aya no
Mountains they watch me on television, if over there they didn't
Me hicieron nada menos aqui en mi nacion
Do anything to me, less here in my nation
Con mi pequeno morral... y con mi cuerno
With my small backpack... and with my chivo horn
De chivo Agustin Vasquez Mendoza solo
Agustin Vasquez Mendoza, just
Una cosa les digo si me yegan agarrar de
One thing I tell you if they catch me here they
Aqui no me llevan vivo
Won't take me alive

Авторы: Rivera Ramirez Carlos

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