Los Cadetes De Linares - El Profugo - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Cadetes De Linares - El Profugo

El Profugo
The Runaway
Al empezar mi corrido
As I begin my tale
No si con alegría
I don't know if with joy
Se trata de un individuo
It's about an individual
Que nació en la serranía
Who was born in the mountains
Como no bajaba al pueblo
As he didn't go down to the village
Ni los carros conocía
He didn't know about cars
Quiso conocer el mundo
He wanted to see the world
Y emprendió la retirada
And set off on a journey
Practicando tiro al blanco
Practicing target shooting
Su mano se acostumbraba
His hand got used to it
Y utilizando el revolver
And using the revolver
Mataba por una paga
He killed for pay
Queriendo saber más cosas
Wanting to know more things
Lo hizo seguir adelante
He made it go further
Era tanta su avaricia
His greed was so great
Que se volvió traficante
That he became a trafficker
Y cuando le echaban mano
And when they caught him
Se fugaba de la cárcel
He escaped from prison
Con la sonrisa en los labios
With a smile on his lips
Y su mano bien armada
And his hand well armed
Con un rehén por delante
With a hostage in front
Los otros presos sacaba
He would take out the other prisoners
Cuando ya no lo seguían
When they no longer followed him
En la sierra se ocultaba
He would hide in the mountains
De muy nobles sentimientos
Of very noble feelings
Siempre ayuda al desvalido
He always helps the helpless
Calzaba sus botas blancas
He wore his white boots
Eran su gusto y delirio
They were his pleasure and delight
Pero otra vez al fugarse
But when he escaped again
Dicen que fue muerto a tiros
They say he was shot dead
Por señas las botas blancas
As a sign, the white boots
Las calza un hombre caído
They are worn by a fallen man
Que fue muerto con la gente
Who was killed with the people
Que se fugó del presidio
Who escaped from the prison
Lo inexplicable del caso
The inexplicable part of the case
Es que el hombre sigue vivo
Is that the man is still alive

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