Los Caligaris - Tyson - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Caligaris - Tyson

Todos los hielos de anoche
All of last night's ice
Parece que me cayeron mal
Seems to have disagreed with me
Y un holocausto neuronal
And a neural holocaust
La mentira crónica de los domingos:
The chronic lie of Sundays:
"No tomo nunca mas"
"I'll never drink again"
Y aunque no pueda contar ni hasta cinco
And although I can't count to five
Me voy a levantar
I'm going to get up
Como semáforo en rojo estan mis ojos
Like a red light my eyes are
Digo por el color
I mean by the color
Padezco buscando anteojos
I'm suffering looking for glasses
Para ver mas de cerca el dolor
To see the pain more closely
Pero tengo que tener mas calma
But I have to be calmer
Y resigmarme a esta quimera
And resign myself to this chimera
Hay algo mas vacío que mi alma
There is something emptier than my soul
Y es mi heladera
And it is my refrigerator
Por eso salgo a buscar
That's why I go out to look for
Una botella de agua mineral
A bottle of mineral water
Y en el kiosko me cruzo con ella
And at the kiosk I run into her
Pura casualidad
Pure coincidence
Cosa seria me di cuenta
Serious matters I realized
Me dio tarde la receta
She gave me the prescription late
Para olvidarme de vos
To forget about you
Mucho dolor y paciencia
A lot of pain and patience
Casi que logro esquivarla
I almost managed to avoid her
La jugarreta me salió mal
The trick went wrong for me
Siento un "tss tss"
I hear a "tss tss"
Que suena en mi espalda
That sounds on my back
Y tomo coraje para girar
And I take courage to turn around
Y recibo la trompada
And I receive the punch
De ese Tyson de mirada
From that Tyson with a stare
Le sonrio y le sigo la charla
I smile at him and follow his conversation
Como si no me pasara nada
As if nothing had happened to me
Mi autoestima ya está rota
My self-esteem is already broken
Socio vitalicio de la derrota
Life member of defeat
Pero me tengo fe y hoy me late
But I have faith in myself and today I feel
Que le saco un empate
That I can draw with him
Cosa seria me di cuenta
Serious matters I realized
Me dio tarde la receta
She gave me the prescription late
Para olvidarme de vos
To forget about you
Mucho dolor y paciencia
A lot of pain and patience
Y no hay psicologo que vaya
And there is no psychologist who will go
A hacerme cambiar de idea
To make me change my mind
Porque el tiempo que pase con vos
Because the time I spent with you
No se puede medir con reloj
Cannot be measured with a clock
Cosa seria me di cuenta
Serious matters I realized
Me dio tarde la receta
She gave me the prescription late
Para olvidarme de vos
To forget about you
Mucho dolor y paciencia
A lot of pain and patience
Para olvidarme de vos
To forget about you
Mucho dolor y paciencia
A lot of pain and patience
Dolor y paciencia
Pain and patience
¡Mucho dolor!
A lot of pain!

Авторы: Valentin Armando Scagliola

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