Los Chiches Vallenatos feat. Amin Martinez - Muchacha Encantadora - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст песни и перевод на английский Los Chiches Vallenatos feat. Amin Martinez - Muchacha Encantadora

Muchacha Encantadora
Enchanting Girl
Ay! muchacha encantadora que tienes
Oh, enchanting girl, what do you have
que con tu mirada le robas,
that with your gaze you steal,
a cualquier distraído su atención
from any distracted man his attention
y esa mirada penetrante
and that penetrating gaze
que hace juego con mi mirada,
that plays with my own,
hace que un hombre pierda la razón
makes a man lose his reason
Y ese cuerpo tan prohibido quiero dibujarlo
And that forbidden body, I want to draw it
para tenerlo conmigo si es noble y sagrado
to keep it with me, if it's noble and sacred
quiero ser un Miguel Ángel con pincel en mano
I want to be a Michelangelo with a brush in hand
y hacer de ti otra Mona Lisa y decir que tienen la misma mirada
and make of you another Mona Lisa and say they share the same look
Ayúdenme para enamorarla,
Help me to make her fall in love,
no quiere aceptarme ramos de flores
she doesn't want to accept bouquets of flowers from me
si yo solo quiero dibujarla
if I only want to draw her
no se tranza, como dejas, morir a un hombre
she doesn't budge, how can you let a man die
Ella dice que yo no merezco
She says that I don't deserve
ser el dueño de toda su vida
to be the owner of her whole life
por que se turba cuando me mira
because she gets flustered when she looks at me
o es que acaso ella me tiene miedo
or is it that she's afraid of me
Ayúdenme para enamorarla
Help me to make her fall in love
no quiere aceptarme ramos de flores
she doesn't want to accept bouquets of flowers from me
si yo solo quiero dibujarla
if I only want to draw her
no se tranza, como dejas, morir a un hombre.
she doesn't budge, how can you let a man die.
Ahí me cuentan que vive orgullosa
They tell me she lives proud
de que yo sea su enamorado,
that I am her admirer,
y por Dios que no entiendo a esa mujer
and by God, I don't understand that woman
me esquiva si me ve pasando
she avoids me if she sees me passing by
disimula si le estoy hablando.
she pretends if I'm talking to her.
para no despertar su interés
so as not to awaken her interest
Pero yo le puse una trampa y dije que marchaba
But I set a trap for her and said I was leaving
lejos a donde nunca mas vuelva a molestarla
far away where I would never bother her again
no pudo contener el llanto y vi que en su mirada
she couldn't hold back the tears and I saw in her gaze
le daba un adiós a mi vida y pude notar que me amas muchacha.
she was saying goodbye to my life and I could tell you love me, girl.
Ayúdenme para enamorarla
Help me to make her fall in love
no quiere aceptarme ramos de flores
she doesn't want to accept bouquets of flowers from me
si yo solo quiero dibujarla
if I only want to draw her
no se tranza, como dejas, morir a un hombre.
she doesn't budge, how can you let a man die.
Ella dice que yo no merezco
She says that I don't deserve
ser el dueño de toda su vida
to be the owner of her whole life
por que se turba cuando me mira
because she gets flustered when she looks at me
o es que acaso ella me tiene miedo
or is it that she's afraid of me
Ayúdenme para enamorarla
Help me to make her fall in love
no quiere aceptarme ramos de flores
she doesn't want to accept bouquets of flowers from me
si yo solo quiero dibujarla
if I only want to draw her
no se tranza, como dejas, morir a un hombre.
she doesn't budge, how can you let a man die.


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