Tu bien sabes que no me invento amores y no los compro porque no twngo dinero, soy tan pobre al igual que mis canciones
You know that I don't invent love, and I don't buy it, because I don't have any money, I'm as poor as my songs
Y el amor que se va jamas jamas lo espero
And love that goes away, I never expect it back
Tu pensaste que yo te estaria esperando, muy confiada te sentias de mi amor
You thought I would be waiting for you, you felt very confident in my love
Se te olvida que me sobran los quereres y del tuyo tengo uno mucho mejor
You forget that I have more than enough love, and I have one much better than yours
Yu bien sabes que yo no me invento amores, quien ocupa tu lugar bien la conoces es por eso te suplico sin rencores que si sabes contar, conmigo ya no cuentes
You know well that I do not invent love, who takes your place you know very well, that is why I beg you without rancor, that if you know how to count, do not count on me again
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