Los Mustang - El ritmo del silencio (The sounds of silence) - 2015 Remastered version - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Mustang - El ritmo del silencio (The sounds of silence) - 2015 Remastered version

El ritmo del silencio (The sounds of silence) - 2015 Remastered version
The Sounds of Silence (2015 Remastered Version)
Vieja amiga oscuridad
Old friend, darkness,
Contigo quiero conversar.
I have come to talk with you again.
Poco importa ya lo que yo vi
I have been traveling far and wide,
Mas siempre estará dentro de mi.
And I have seen many strange things.
Una extraña pesadilla con la luz de neón
But I have never seen anything
Y el ritmo del silencio.
As strange as what I saw in the city.
En mis inquietos sueños vi
I saw a people walking in the streets
Inmensas calles sin final
With their heads bowed and their faces down.
Caminaba gente por allí
They were all wearing black suits
Caminaba sin buscar un fin.
And their faces were all pale.
Y de pronto, vi una luz en la calle que me cegó.
I asked them what was wrong,
En medio del silencio
But they just kept walking.
Y junto aquella fuerte luz
I followed them to a big building,
La gente hablaba sin hablar
And I went inside.
La gente sin cantar también cantó.
The building was dark and empty,
Algo que yo nunca comprendí
And the only sound I could hear
Porque aquella gente jamás llegaría a perturbar
Was the sound of my own footsteps.
El ritmo del silencio.
I walked through the building
Yo les dije y les grité
Until I came to a large room.
El silencio nacerá
In the middle of the room
Y podrá llegar un día que
Was a big black box.
De vosotros se adueñará.
I walked up to the box
Pero no prestaron atención
And I opened it.
Siguieron en silencio.
Inside the box
Y la gente se inclinó
Was a small white light.
Adorando aquella luz
I reached out and touched the light,
Nada se podía escuchar
And suddenly I was filled with peace.
Ni a lo lejos el rumor del mar
I knew that I had found
Porque a todos en mi sueño
The meaning of life.
Vi buscar sin hallar el ritmo del silencio.
The meaning of life is silence.

Авторы: Paul Simon

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