Los Terribles del Norte - Dos Federales - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Terribles del Norte - Dos Federales

Dos Federales
Two Federals
Se desian ser cazadores,
They say they are hunters,
Los dos, efren y ramon.
The two, Efren and Ramon.
En una 4
A 4x4 truck
La camioneta era ford
The pickup truck was a Ford
Era pa andar en la sierra
It was made for driving in the mountains
Porque era doble tracción
Because it was all-wheel drive
Subieron los dos un dia
One day, they drove up
A la sierra de durango
To the mountains of Durango
Según como cazadores
Allegedly as hunters
Sus presas iban buscando
They were looking for prey
Pero eran dos federales
But they were two federal agents
Buscaban un contrabando
They were looking for contraband
En un rancho abandonado
On an abandoned ranch
Miraron lo que buscaban
They found what they were looking for
Eran 4 camionetas
They were four pickup trucks
De hierba estaban cargadas
They were loaded with marijuana
Y uno de los traficantes
And one of the traffickers
Daban la señal de alarma
Set off the alarm
Los tenían encañonados
They had their guns pointed at them
Nomas la orden esperando
Just waiting for the order
Efren ya su metralleta
Efren was already preparing
Tambien iva preparando
His machine gun
Y las llantas de la ford
And the tires of the Ford
Las 4 ivan estirando
Were all blown out
Al escuchar un disparo
When they heard a gunshot
Surtieron de todas partes
They came rushing in from all sides
Saca eso que traía contigo
Bring out what you have with you
Le dice efren a cervantes
Efren says to Cervantes
Y a destapar las granadas
And to uncover the grenades
Se vian volar por el aire
They were seen flying through the air
El gobierno de durango
The government of Durango
Les rindo un gran homenaje
Pays them a great tribute
Cumpliendo con su deber
Fulfilling their duty
Murieron dos federales
Two federal agents died
Pero también se llevaron
But they also took with them
Aquellos 10 traficantes
Those ten traffickers
- Rolando Garcia Jr
- Rolando Garcia Jr

Авторы: Aciano Acuna Cordova

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