Los Terribles del Norte - Martina y Lauro - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Los Terribles del Norte - Martina y Lauro

Martina y Lauro
Martina and Lauro
En un feliz matrimonio...
In a happy matrimony...
Martina y Lauro se unieron,
Martina and Lauro joined together,
Y se fueron a chicago porque allá se conocieron...
And went off to Chicago, where they had first met...
Y aquel amor no duró;
And that love didn't last;
Porque surgieron los celos.
Because jealousy arose.
Martina era muy hermosa, Lauro era trabajador,
Martina was very beautiful, Lauro was hard-working,
Pero a Martina celaba ya con su mismo patrón;
But Martina became jealous, of her own boss no less;
Ella le decía llorando: "nunca te he engañado yo".
She would cry to him, "I've never cheated on you."
Sus sospechas aumentaban; un día se fue a trabajar...
His suspicions grew; one day, he went to work...
Con la mente envenenada se regresó para espiar,
With a poisoned mind, he returned to spy,
Sus padres sin saber nada; lo habían ido a visitar.
His parents, without knowing anything, had gone to visit.
Seguro de sorprenderlos se asomó por la ventana;
Certain that he would catch them in the act, he peeked through the window;
Cuando miró que dos cuerpos estaban sobre su cama...
When he saw that two bodies were on his bed...
De su 3-57 les tiró toda la carga;
He fired his entire clip from his .357 at them;
Martina salió gritando y dijo al mirar
Martina came out screaming and said when she saw
La sangre: "mira nomás lo que haz hecho,
The blood, "Just look at what you've done,
Mataste a tus propios padres acababan
You've killed your own parents, who had just
De llegar dormían cansados del viaje".
Arrived, and were sleeping, tired from the journey."
Ya después que los vió muertos; llorando los abrazaba...
Now, after he saw them dead, he embraced them in tears...
"Perdónenme papasitos,
"Forgive me, Mommy and Daddy,
Los celos ya me mataban ¿para qué
Jealousy was killing me, I no longer wanted
Quiero mi vida?" y se dió tres puñaladas.
My life," and he stabbed himself three times.

Авторы: Aciano Acuna

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