Luar Na Lubre - A Frol D'augoa - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luar Na Lubre - A Frol D'augoa

A Frol D'augoa
The Flower of the Water
Madrugada de san Xoan,
Dawn of Saint John,
Madrugada máis garrida,
Most beautiful dawn,
Que baila o sol cando nace,
That the sun dances when it is born,
E cando morre o día.
And laughs when the day dies.
¿Onde vai nosa señora,
Where is our lady going,
Onde vai Santa María?
Where is Saint Mary going?
-Vai cara a banda do mar,
-She goes towards the sea,
Vai cara a banda da ría.
She goes towards the estuary.
¿Que dis a virxe, que dis,
What does the virgin say, what does she say,
Que dis Santa María?
What does Saint Mary say?
-¿Cal será a meniña, cal
-¿Which will be the girl,
Que colla a frol d'augoa fria?
Who will pick the cold water flower?
-Non será dama nin deuda,
-It won't be a lady or a bourgeoise,
Que será a princesa Aldina,
It will be the princess Aldina,
A princesa namorada
The princess in love,
Filla do rei de Galicia
Daughter of the king of Galicia,
Tan feitiña e tan bonita
So charming and so pretty,
Aqueles seus ollos craros
Her clear eyes,
Do color d'augoa da ría.
The color of the water of the estuary.
Soio ti, Aldina, serás
Only you, Aldina, will be
Quen leve a frol d'augoa fria.
The one to carry the cold water flower.
érguete do leito, nena,
Get out of bed, girl,
Ven cara a banda do mar,
Come towards the sea,
Qu'anque ti veñas soíña
Even if you come alone,
En compaña has de tornar.
You must return accompanied.
Erguete do leito, nena,
Get out of bed, girl,
Ven cara a banda da ría,
Come towards the estuary,
Qu'anque ti soíña veñas
Even if you come alone,
Tornarás en compañía.
You will return accompanied.
Na torre do real palacio,
In the tower of the royal palace,
Anque inda está lonxe o día,
Although the day is still far away,
Móvense os liños dun leito;
The sheets of a bed move;
Algunha xente se erguía
Someone gets up,
"¡É a princesa! ¡Deul-a garde!"
"It's the princess! Look out!"
Era a moi garrida Aldina
It was the beautiful Aldina,
Que vai día de San Xoán
Who goes on the day of Saint John,
Catal-a frol d'augoa fria.
To pick the cold water flower.

Авторы: Publico Dominio, Jose Benito Romero Copo

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