Lucaas - UOU - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lucaas - UOU

Ehm ehm
Ahem ahem
Čo je zlé je vlastne iba pohľad strany
What's wrong is just a one-sided point of view
Ale ak súdiš druhých si len pičus vyjebaný
But if you judge others, you're just a fucked up dick
Svetlo sa odráža od zeme namňa v ňom money
The light reflects off the ground to me money's in it
Ah (gimme the loot gimme the loot)
Ah (gimme the loot gimme the loot)
Yeah hah v ňom money
Yeah hah there's money in it
Ako zmrd mladý nepatril do žiadnej strany
As a young asshole, I didn't belong to any party
Zmrdi sa našli problémy sveta pre nich funny (čo ti jebe)
Assholes found the world's problems funny (what's wrong with you)
Prvé šance prvé drogy more prvé zrady
First chances first drugs man first betrayals
Prvý pohľad do zákulisia kopec pravdy
The first glimpse behind the scenes lots of truth
Kopec pravdy ktorý nikdy nezmizne
Lots of truth that will never disappear
Pravda je čistá povieš ju len bezchybne
The truth is pure you can only say it flawlessly
Kopec pravdy ktorý nikdy nezmizne
Lots of truth that will never disappear
Pravda je čistá povieš ju len bezchybne bitch
The truth is pure you can only say it flawlessly bitch
V noci sa vozíme (vrmvrm)
At night we ride (vrmvrm)
Ga-gas palíme
Ga-gas we smoke
Snáď tu nezhoríme
May we not burn here
Hh yeah
Hh yeah
Všetko to čo víme
Everything we know
Pochopíš v pantomíme
You will understand in pantomime
Vychovaný v zime (brrr)
Raised in winter (brrr)
Hh yeah
Hh yeah
Hitparáda nad nami sa víri para
The hit parade above us steam is swirling
Ou tak hot že pri nej na zem aj covid padá
Ou so hot that even covid falls to the ground with it
Točí sa mi hlava mm podomnou láva
My head is spinning mm lava beneath me
Hodne dobrého ťa zničí od mala
Too much of a good thing will destroy you from childhood
Činíme len dobré alebo len zlé?
Do we only do good or only bad
Alebo sme niekde v strede more povedz kde
Or are we somewhere in the middle man tell me where
Vypadá to ako peklo neviem kde som teraz
It looks like hell I don't know where I am now
Padol som na hubu zlomil som sa a to neraz
I fell on my face broke myself and not just once
Stále tancujem do chôdze dám crip walk
I still dance to the walk I do the crip walk
Ty robíš na silu všetko a si creep uou
You do everything by force and you're a creep uou
Nevieš sa trafiť do beatu chromý kripl
You can't hit the beat you're a lame cripple
Ja si na ňom tancujem tak ma vyškol
I dance on it so school me
Pred pár rokmi som bol pre teba fakt nič ja
A few years ago I was nothing to you
Zrazu si moj kamoš že? oliž mi riť ha
Suddenly you're my buddy huh lick my ass ha
Hadiky sa plazia po zemi ty bitch ah
Snakes crawl on the ground you bitch ah
Diky že ste preč bez vás som len rich yeah
Thanks for being gone I'm rich without you yeah
Diky že ste preč bez vás som len rich yeah
Thanks for being gone I'm rich without you yeah
Diky že ste preč bez vás som len rich yeah
Thanks for being gone I'm rich without you yeah
Diky že ste preč bez vás som len rich yeah
Thanks for being gone I'm rich without you yeah

Авторы: Lukáš škripek

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