LUD - Ubistvo u klubu feat.Struka - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни LUD - Ubistvo u klubu feat.Struka

Ubistvo u klubu feat.Struka
Ubistvo u klubu feat.Struka
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.
Buja, upadam u klub k'o oluja, ribice na kolenima viču: aleluja, aleluja.
Babe, I storm into the club like a storm, girls on my knees shouting: hallelujah, hallelujah.
Teturam se jer pijan sam k'o bulja, gledam da ne pegliram jer nije moja šulja.
I'm stumbling because I'm drunk like a pig, watching not to fall because it's not my style.
Ne dam ti buksnu droljo da l' bi mi me pustila na miru, ha, ne znam šta ti je bilo u ustima.
I won't give you my boxers, honey, could you leave me alone, ha, I don't know what you had in your mouth.
Šta ortak da uradi da bi oter'o tu kučku"?
What can you do, buddy, to chase that bitch away?"
Ma samo oteraj tu kučku liči na Gregora Fučku.
Just chase that bitch away, she looks like Gregoria Fučka.
Sigi Stru ti si lud, nisi normalan, samo zažmuri neka snošaj bude oralan.
Sigi Stru you're crazy, you're not normal, just close your eyes and let the blowjob be oral.
Prvi, drugi, treći pucanj, vičem napuši se kurca dok ne počneš da štucaš.
First, second, third shot, I scream get away from this dick before you start hiccupping.
Jer ovde žurke petkom često završe se metkom, neka kučka drami i viče "ubiće nas neko"!
Because parties here on Fridays often end with a bullet, some bitch dramas and shouts "someone's gonna kill us"!
Ja ne želim da mi probuše ni Fubu niti Eko, pa se štekujem pod šankom sa polu punim Beksom.
I don't want them to pierce either my Fubu or my Eko, so I hide under the bar with a half-full Bex.
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.
Ostavio sam jašu, hvala Bogu nisam pancir, u tom trenutku kreću da pucaju indijanci.
I left Jaša, thank God I'm not a coward, at that moment the Indians start shooting.
Ne znam šta da radim, da l' u stranu da se bacim, ipak radim rep špagu kao MC ganci.
I don't know what to do, whether to throw myself aside, still I do the rap twine like MC ganci.
Zaustavljaju metke kajle, medaljon i lanci, ne bih hteo da ih primim ko Suzana Mančić.
Bullets, a medallion, and chains stop me, I wouldn't want to receive them like Suzana Mančić.
Ortaci, jamci, terorišu k'o Albanci, ko me jebe kada do kasno u klubu bančim.
Pals, guarantors, terrorizing like Albanians, who cares when I gamble late at night in a club.
Po policama srčem jer su polupani Vranci.
I sip on the shelves because the Vrancis are half-broken.
Je l' tol'ko voliš crveno il' imaš krv na majici"?
"Do you love red that much or is there blood on your shirt"?
Ela malakija, sada viču neki stranci, jedan od njih ima rupetinu na faci.
Oh, come on, now some foreigners are shouting, one of them has a hole in his face.
Struka pazi metak, početak je bio kul, do pre par minuta brate ceo klub je bio pun.
Struka watch out for the bullet, the beginning was cool, until a few minutes ago, bro, the whole club was full.
Neke kurve su htele tada da nas startuju.
Some bitches wanted to start us then.
Ako uzvratim ortacima biću na Mardelju.
If I return fire, my partners will be in Mardel.
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.
Ovu nedelju ću pamtiti petak je bio lud
This week I'll remember Friday was crazy
Kada žurku nam je prekino metak od ni otkud.
When our party was interrupted by a bullet out of nowhere.
Ljudi beže, ribe paniče, sranje je nastalo.
People are fleeing, girls are panicking, shit has hit the fan.
Nisam očekiv'o nisam se tome ni nadao.
I didn't expect this, I didn't see it coming.

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