Luigi 21 Plus feat. Bad Bunny, Pusho & Nengo Flow - La Movie - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luigi 21 Plus feat. Bad Bunny, Pusho & Nengo Flow - La Movie

La Movie
The Movie
Ya nadie te cree a ti, ni a tu Instagram
No one believes you anymore, not even your Instagram
no eres millo y tampoco calle
You're not a millionaire, nor are you from the streets
Yo soy así, cabrón, no vo'a cambiar
I'm like this, man, I'm not gonna change
Siempre real, más no confío en nadie
Always real, but I don't trust anyone
Si eres real cumple tu palabra
If you're real, keep your word
El hombre lo que habla lo respalda
A man backs up what he says
Aplícate el refrán del perro que ladra
Apply the saying about the barking dog
Pendejo que a nadie le metes cabra
Fool who can't scare anyone
Por más que bregas de corazón
No matter how hard you try with your heart
Siempre sale un puerco y se te vira un lechón
There's always a pig who turns against you
Estos hijueputas andan en manada
These motherfuckers move in packs
Salgan cabrones, que llegó su temporada
Come out, bastards, your season has arrived
Se hacen los humildes, gusanos
They act humble, worms
Y uno de buena fe le da la mano
And one in good faith gives them a hand
Se quejan que nadie los ayuda
They complain that nobody helps them
Pero cuando se crecen, después ni lo saludan
But when they grow, they don't even greet you
Ahora to' son calles, ¿y qué es eso?
Now they're all about the streets, what's that?
Si ilegalmente no se han buscao' un peso
If they haven't earned a peso illegally
Digan lo que digan cuidao' con eso
Say what you will, be careful with that
Que ustedes no resuelven ni a sus panas preso
You guys don't even help your friends in jail
Luces, cámaras, y acción
Lights, camera, action
Veo otro lambe bicho en formación
I see another ass-kisser in the making
Roncando de tickets y de armamento
Bragging about tickets and weapons
Y se cree ser el artista del momento
And he thinks he's the artist of the moment
Dicen ser leal, pero pa' ser leal te tienes que probar
They say they're loyal, but to be loyal you have to prove it
Y aunque la lealtad en un papel no se firma (Oye)
And even though loyalty isn't signed on paper (Listen)
Cabrón con esto se confirma
Man, this confirms it
Yeh, yeh
Yeah, yeah
Cabrones ya bajen la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na, yeh
You're all fronting and you have nothing, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na
You're all fronting and you have nothing
No tienen na, yeh
You have nothing, yeah
Muchos hablan de lealtad sin conocerla
Many talk about loyalty without knowing it
No pueden mantenerla porque no son reales
They can't maintain it because they're not real
Por que se muera to' el cabrón que no sirve
I wish every useless bastard would die
Por que se muera, yo sigo firme
Let them die, I remain firm
El monasterio, hay veneno pa' tus arterias
The monastery, there's poison for your arteries
Tu vida es una comedia y yo soy dueño de la feria
Your life is a comedy and I own the fair
Falsos cantantes morirán, por donde vienen se irán
Fake singers will die, they'll leave the same way they came
Blanco y negro los ying yang, el R te va acribillar, yo
Black and white, the ying yang, the R will riddle you, yo
La fama los vuelve locos
Fame makes them crazy
Las ratas son ratas, yo no me equivoco
Rats are rats, I'm not wrong
Mere mamabicho mejor baja el moco
Fucking bitch, you better lower your snot
Mere so hijo'eputa te vo'a dar unos pocos
Fucking son of a bitch, I'll give you a few
No ignoren su suerte
Don't ignore your luck
Que anda con una glopeta a la muerte
That you're walking towards death with a gun
Loco estoy por verte
I'm dying to see you
Pa' sacarte los cascos por el cristal de alfrente
To blow your brains out through the windshield
Mato a la falsedad y entierro a la hipocresía
I kill falsehood and bury hypocrisy
Seguimos activos todavía, ¿qué?
We're still active, what?
Ñengo en nadie confía
Ñengo trusts no one
Ñengo le pone el peine clear y la vacía
Ñengo puts the clear magazine in and empties it
Artistas de embustes después no se frustren
Fake artists, don't get frustrated later
Me pongo pa' ustedes, se van a ir ajustes
I'm coming for you, you'll be adjusted
Aunque un army recluten vengan ejecuten
Even if you recruit an army, come and execute
Qué vamos a ver cuando el AK se empute
Let's see what happens when the AK gets pissed off
Yeh, yeh
Yeah, yeah
Cabrones ya bajen la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na, yeh
You're all fronting and you have nothing, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na
You're all fronting and you have nothing
No tienen na, yeh
You have nothing, yeah
Ando con Mercedes deportivo
I'm rolling in a Mercedes sports car
Ando con dos hijueputa que son impulsivos
I'm with two motherfuckers who are impulsive
Cazando par de lechones fugitivos que se me escaparon
Hunting a couple of fugitive piglets who escaped me
Pero están más muertos que vivos
But they're more dead than alive
Lo que vivo casi nunca lo escribo
What I live I rarely write
Y lo que escribo casi nunca lo vivo
And what I write I rarely live
Lo que ando buscando es una excusa, un motivo
What I'm looking for is an excuse, a reason
Pa' arrastrarlos amarrao' de los estribos
To drag them tied to the stirrups
Mi carro está saldo, mi casa está salda
My car is paid off, my house is paid off
Y estos colegas peleando por faldas
And these colleagues are fighting over skirts
A me mama el bicho el cantante
I love the singer's dick
El corista, el dj, y hasta tu guardaespaldas
The backup singer, the DJ, and even your bodyguardAvoid contact with me, I'm already in position to put you downBastard, you and your boss know meDon't make me put the twelve in your mouthThey see me and break rank, ahI've never run for batteries in my lifeLeave the tide aloneMy crew is mine, motherfucker, you rent yoursI recommend you ask for helpNot even Flores, the widow, will take youKeep betting on the Saint and the BuddhaUntil the hurricane shakes you (Pusho)
Conmigo evita el rose que pa' meterte ya tengo la pose
Avoid contact with me, I'm already in position to put you down
Cabrón, y tu jefe a me conocen
Bastard, you and your boss know me
No me hagas ponerte en la boca las doce
Don't make me put the twelve in your mouth
Me ven y rompen fila, ah
They see me and break rank, ah
Yo nunca en mi vida he corrido por pilas
I've never run for batteries in my life
Dejen la marea tranquila
Leave the tide alone
Que mi combo es mío, hijueputa, el tuyo lo alquilas
My crew is mine, motherfucker, you rent yours
Te recomiendo que pidas ayuda
I recommend you ask for help
Que no va a llevarte ni Flores, la viuda
Not even Flores, the widow, will take you
Sigue apostándole al Santo y al Buddha
Keep betting on the Saint and the Buddha
Hasta que el huracán te sacuda (Pusho)
Until the hurricane shakes you (Pusho)
Yeh, yeh
Yeah, yeah
Cabrones ya bajen la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na, yeh
You're all fronting and you have nothing, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Que to' el mundo sabe quién eres ya, yeh
Everyone knows who you are, yeah
Cabrones bajen ya la movie
Bastards, cut the movie already
Se pasan fronteando y no tienen na
You're all fronting and you have nothing
No tienen na, yeh
You have nothing, yeah
El Bokisucio, Luigi 21 Plus
El Bokisucio, Luigi 21 Plus
Bad Bunny, Ñengo Flow
Bad Bunny, Ñengo Flow
Montana The Producer
Montana The Producer
Fran Fusion
Fran Fusion
Los Illusions, Doble A Nales
Los Illusions, Doble A Nales
Los Presidentes
Los Presidentes
Ustedes saben de nosotros chorro 'e hijueputa
You know about us, a bunch of motherfuckers

Luigi 21 Plus feat. Bad Bunny, Pusho & Nengo Flow - La Movie
La Movie
дата релиза

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