Luigi 21 Plus - Se Reveló - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luigi 21 Plus - Se Reveló

Se Reveló
She's Arrived
Ella se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se revelo.
She's arrived.
Otra vez se repite la historia
Once again, the story repeats itself
del novio que le ofrece de todo a la novia
Of the boyfriend who offers everything to his girlfriend
le promete casas, carros, viajes
He promises her houses, cars, and trips
la muy ingenua visualizando el paisaje
The naive girl visualizes the lifestyle
Pasa un año y nah
A year passes, and nothing
Dos año y nah, Tres año y nah nah de nah
Two years, and nothing, Three years, and nothing
El pana con la cuenta vira
The boy's bank account is empty
y tu pela, despeina y to tira
And you, girl, are tired and exhausted
Limpia, lava, plancha, cocina
You clean, wash, iron, cook
peor que un esclavo
Worse than a slave
una mecera sin propina
A waitress without a tip
que no sale ni a la esquina
Who can't even go outside
siempre ta encerra
You're always locked up
pareces una perra amarra
Like a chained dog.
Ella se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se revelo.
She's arrived.
Pero cayo la gota
But the last straw was reached
que colmo la copa
That made the cup overflow
ahora siempre se arregla
Now she always dresses up
y se pinta la boca
And wears lipstick
Se pasa en la calle
She spends her time outside
con poca ropa
Wearing revealing clothes
parece que se emdemonio
She seems possessed by a demon
o se volvió loca
Or she's gone crazy.
Ya no lava ni cocina
She no longer washes or cooks
todo el día bronceándose en la piscina
She spends all day tanning by the pool
te coge la Creditcard te la empelusa
She takes your credit card and maxes it out
y tu ni cuenta te das de que ella la usa
And you don't even realize she's using it
Tiene nuevas amigas
She has new friends
y si bien te fijas
And if you look closely
en la mano izquierda
On her left hand
no tiene esa sortija
She no longer wears that ring
que tu le diste
That you gave her
cuando la comprometiste
When you proposed to her
tu caso pana mio si que es triste
Your case, my friend, is very sad
Se revelo
She's arrived
ella de ti socio se aborreció
She's sick of you, dude
por eso fue que te dejo
That's why she left you
se revelo
She's arrived
lo que tenias todo te lo quito
She's taken everything you had
parece que se desquito
It seems like she got her revenge
se revelo
She's arrived
cambio el delantal por una falda corta
She's traded her apron for a short skirt
te odia y no te soporta
She hates you and can't stand you
se revelo
She's arrived
no te quiere ver ni en pintura(se revelo)
She doesn't want to see you again(she's arrived)
y de eso ta segura
And she's sure of it
Ella se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se revelo
She's arrived
se canso de lavar y planchar
She's tired of washing and ironing
se convirtió en un fenómeno
She's become a new phenomenon
y a el marido se a pendejo
And her husband is a fool
ella le quito lo chavo y lo dejo
She's taken his money and left him
Se Revelo.
She's arrived.

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