Luis Mateus, David Rendon y la Nueva Generacion - Hay Tristeza en Mí - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luis Mateus, David Rendon y la Nueva Generacion - Hay Tristeza en Mí

Hay Tristeza en Mí
There is Sadness in Me
Hoy que te vas no tengo que decir
Today when you leave, I have nothing to say
Aunque yo te quiera retener
Even though I want to hold you back
Ya no hay nada que yo haga por ti
There is nothing more that I can do for you
que el destino es igualito a ti
I know that fate is just like you
Porque cuando te enseñaba a amar
Because when I was teaching you how to love
Sin pensarlo te marchas de mi
Without thinking, you left me
Y aunque puse de mi parte para amarte
And even though I did my best to love you
No te importa que yo muera de recuerdos
You don't care that I am dying of memories
Muy difícil para el acostumbrarme
It is very difficult for me to get used to
Olvidarme de tus besos yo no puedo
I can't forget your kisses
Imposible pero ya llego el momento
It's impossible, but the time has come
No puedo seguir luchando contra el viento
I can't keep fighting against the wind
Da tristeza que te vayas sin amarme
It's sad that you leave without loving me
Da vergüenza decir que fui un pasatiempo
It's shameful to say that I was a hobby
De tu amor
To your love
Hay tristeza en mí, solo en
There is sadness in me, only in me
Solo en y es por ti
Only in me and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti, triste recuerdo
Memory of you, sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti, triste recuerdo
Memory of you, sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Aquellos tristes recuerdos que dejaste al partir
Those sad memories that you left when you left
Hoy me tiene confundido que no me dejan dormir
Today they have me confused and won't let me sleep
Hay tristeza en mí, solo en
There is sadness in me, only in me
Solo en y es por ti
Only in me and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti, triste recuerdo
Memory of you, sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Y por ti, hasta el fin del mundo
And because of you, until the end of the world
Ya que debo olvidarme de ti
I know I have to forget you
Solo que no voy a morir
I just know I'm not going to die
Buscare alguien que me haga feliz
I will find someone who will make me happy
Tú, te marchaste dejándome así
You left and left me like this
No te importo lo que hice por ti
You didn't care about what I did for you
Y solo quedo al verte partir
And all I could do was watch you leave
A Dios pido me de lo que me quitaste
I asked God to give me what you took away
El amor que para siempre me juraste
The love that you promised me forever
No cumpliste con ese fiel juramento
You did not keep that faithful oath
Como un niño con palabras me engañaste
You fooled me with words like a child
Soledad que tu partida me dejaste
Loneliness that your departure left me
Ojalá no te acompañe donde vayas
I hope it does not accompany you wherever you go
Solo pido a Dios poder recuperarme
I only ask God to help me recover
Para así pensar después en un mañana sin dolor
So that I can think of a tomorrow without pain
Hay tristeza en mí, solo en
There is sadness in me, only in me
Solo en y es por ti
Only in me and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti, triste recuerdo
Memory of you, sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti, triste recuerdo
Memory of you, sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Aquellos tristes recuerdos que dejaste al partir
Those sad memories that you left when you left
Hoy me tiene confundido que no me dejan dormir
Today they have me confused and won't let me sleep
Hay tristeza en mí, solo en
There is sadness in me, only in me
Solo en y es por ti
Only in me and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti triste recuerdo
Memory of you sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you
Hay tristeza en mí, solo en
There is sadness in me, only in me
Solo en y es por ti
Only in me and it's because of you
Recuerdo de ti triste recuerdo
Memory of you sad memory
Y un dolor y es por ti
And a pain and it's because of you

Авторы: Nico Antonio Parra Sanchez

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