Luisa - Sucker Punch - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luisa - Sucker Punch

Sucker Punch
Sucker Punch
V ruke ice tea v klube furt icy V kuse sama aj keby mi malo ostať pár dní
Ice tea in hand, in the club I'm icy In a crowd, I'm fine, even if you were to leave me alone for a few days
V ruke ice tea berem ju na párty
Ice tea in hand, I take her to the party
Berem ju do bekstejdžu a vyťahujem tácky
I take you to the backstage and pull out the trays
Ja ju dneska vlastním boo, budú facky
I own you tonight, boo, there will be slaps
Outfit kašmír, zlaté karty
Cashmere outfit, gold cards
El chapo keď prídem do klubu tak daj si pozor
El Chapo, when I come to the club, be careful
Potrebujem peniaze teraz ty nechoď na mňa s potom
I need money now, don't come to me with sweat later
Vyberám si z nich jak keby hrám tu s nimi nonstop loto
I'm picking from them as if I'm playing non-stop lotto with them
4 dni v trape za mnou a teraz potrebujem pokoj
4 days in trap after you and now I need peace
Medzi ľuďmi sirota a to neni iba tak
An orphan among people and it's not easy
Som po lobotómii a ostal po mne iba vrak
I'm after a lobotomy and only a wreck is left after me
Každý víkend po celý rok zažívam ten sucker punch
Every weekend the whole year round I feel that sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Sucker punch
Žijem iba tak fuck, v ústach nonstop asfalt
I live only like this, fuck, my mouth is dry from asphalt
Prisahala by som že neexistuje karma
I would swear that karma doesn't exist
Inak by mi to dávno vrátila aspoň pár krát
Otherwise it would have returned it to me at least a few times
Preto ma bolí mysel a bolí ma aj sánka
That's why my mind hurts and my jaw hurts
Barman teraz prosí ma nech ideme pre
The barman is now asking me to leave
farba mojej pleti mu asi dnes pripomína sneh
The color of my skin probably reminds him of snow today
Čakám len kedy konečne pustia moj oblúbený track
I'm just waiting for them to finally play my favorite track
Rada by som sa pohla veď netuším aký je deň
I'd like to move, but I don't know what day it is

Авторы: Barbara Bertóková

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