Luuk - Struggle - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Luuk - Struggle

Wieso sött ich öpper sii, wo is Bild passt?
Why should I be someone who fits in?
Wenn ich öppe die druf schiss und chli weed puff
If I don't care about anything and smoke a little weed
Gang go schaffe für en Job wo mich nöd chratzt
Go to work for a job that doesn't excite me
Schön, dass dir guet gahd, mich fuckt das bös ab
Great, that you are doing well, it really pisses me off
Eus gahds guet ide Schwiiz aber s money woni mach
We are doing well in Switzerland, but all the money I earn?
Drucki endi Monet alles wieder ab
I spend it all again at the end of the month
Chopf isch gfiggt wäge achtehalb Stund am Tag
My brain is fried because of eight and a half hours a day
Druck gross wenn elleige tüf im Dschungel stahsch
The pressure is there when you stand alone and deep in the jungle
Krankekasse Prämie sind so höch
Health insurance premiums are so high
Irgendwo uf de Welt isch so en Monatslohn monströs
Somewhere in the world, such a monthly wage is monstrous
Cash macht Gedanke chrank
Cash makes thoughts sick
Und sobald dini Gedanke tanzed
And as soon as your thoughts start dancing
Blocksch du alles andere ab, das isch chrank
You block everything else out, that's sick
Also zahl du dini dretti Süüle
So, you pay your thirty pillars
Ich hat sittme Jahr ken Stutz uf d
I haven't brought any money to the
Siite bracht, homie chasch das fühle?
Side for a year, my dear, can you feel it?
Ich bi 26 Jahr alt, min Fahrplan blibt leer
I am 26 years old, my schedule remains empty
Wie mini Garage?
Like my garage?
Everyday is just a struggle
Everyday is just a struggle
Steady thuggin' til they kill me
Steady thuggin' til they kill me
I'll be livin this life woohaa
I'll be livin this life woohaa
Ich ziehn am Haze Blunt und d Ziit lauft a mir verbii
I pull on the Haze Blunt, and time is running out on me
2 Jahr wien Basejump ich weiss, ich bi nöd eifach gsi
Two years like base jumping, I know, I haven't been easy
Und ich bis immernonig Sache gönd vergässe wo ich mache sött
And there are still so many things I forget which I should do
Schlimme Finger
Bad memory
Rege mich uf wäge Sache wo im TV flimmered
I get upset about things that flicker on TV
Stunts vermittled falschi Wert
Stunts convey false values
Jede isch en Promi uf sim Twitter und sim Instagram
Everyone is a celebrity on their Twitter and Instagram
Sneakers chömed use und sie spinned meh
Sneakers come out, and they are spinning more
Glaub mir ich has scheiss
Trust me, you have shit
Betriebigsamt scho meh als eimol nur vo dinne gseh
The bailiff's office has seen me more than once, just from the outside
Ich frög mich was han ich für Perspektive?
I wonder what prospects I have?
Ich han uf nüt Luscht, mach nüt us mim Kapital und lahs la schliife
I don't feel like anything, don't make anything of my capital, and let it slide
Stah zwar früeh uf, doch blüeh uf weni grüens schnuuf
I get up early, but blossom when I get a green sniff
Und vorem 25. machi ken Brief uf
And before the 25th, I don't open any letters
Aber bliib cool trotz dem ganze Stress wienes Iglu
But stay calm despite all the stress like an igloo
Und im nu wär alles erledigt wenns sie muss
And in an instant, everything would be done if they had to
Setze Priorität, isch für villi nöd schwer
Setting priorities is not difficult for many
Ich hett vill nöd erlebt wenns bi mir eso wer
I would not have experienced much if it were like that with me

Авторы: David Mägerle, Jasenko Karalic, Lukas Gantenbein

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