Lágrimas De Sangre - Intérval - перевод текста песни на английский

Текст и перевод песни Lágrimas De Sangre - Intérval

Y recordaré todo lo que nos queda por hacer e insistiré
And I will recall all that we have left to do and insist
Que solo lo hacemos por placer
That we only do it for pleasure
Y buscaremos, encontraremos
And let us search, let us find
El camino a seguir, el camino...
The path to follow, the path...
Y recordaré todo los queda por hacer e insistiré
And I will recall all that we are left to do and insist
Que solo lo hacemos por placer
That we only do it for pleasure
Y buscaremos, encontraremos
And let us search, let us find
El camino a seguir, el camino
The path to follow, the path
El rastre del vent s'ha endut amb ell el lament
The rustling of the wind took the lament with it
I aquell nou sol naixent observa atent aquest moment
And that rising new sun closely observes this experience
Present que sent imatges d'un edén comú il•lusori
Time that feels like images of a common illusory Eden
Cent per cent veritat o cent per cent en ment. Passions tan reals atrapades al teu cel rojenc en que plouen il•lusions ardents com cuadres de Monet. Em sents o no em sents
A hundred percent truth or a hundred percent in mind. Passions so real caught in your fiery sky where ardent illusions rain down like paintings by Monet. Can you hear me, or can't you?
Potser esque ja mai podrem ser inocents
Maybe I forget that we can never be innocent
La por, l'impediment si es l'hora dels valents.
Fear, the impediment if it is the time for the courageous.
I sí, la llibertat pot ser promesa
Yes, liberty can be promised
L'au fenix ha sobrevolat aquella prosa
The phoenix has flown over that prose
En que pesa tant la llosa de la teva pèrdua
In which the weight of the loss of you weighs so heavily
Que es planta difosa en la sombra.
That it is diffusely planted in the shadow.
Però així es la vida ¿no?
But that's life, isn't it?
Justos per pecadors son els que paguen en aquest cantó
The just for the sinners are the ones who pay in this song
Buscant la pau he estat anant en direcció contrària
Seeking peace, I have been going in the opposite direction
Bruna bellesa d'art i revolucionària.
Brunette beauty of art and revolutionary.
Que tantes nits l'horitzó es va reflectir
That so many nights the horizon was reflected
Semblàvem part de l'infinit, connexió de fit a fit
We seemed part of the infinite, a connection from end to end
Il•lícit mai si tots dos sentim el crit de dins
Never illicit if we both feel the cry within
Però em costa tant treure el neguit que el dubte em va portar una nit.
But I have such a hard time removing the anxiety that doubt brought me one night.
Quantes anècdotes sobre espatlles cansades
How many anecdotes on tired shoulders
Sentiments que no moren... jo podria explicarte
Feelings that do not die... I could explain them to you
Agafa't a la vida i fes les passes obligades i la sort i la raó
Hold onto life and take the obligatory steps and luck and reason
Et vindràn sempre agafades
They will always come with you
Abraça't a la vida i fes les passes obligades i la sort i la raó
Embrace life and take the obligatory steps and luck and reason
Et serán sempre confiades
They will always be reliable to you
Y recordaré todo lo que nos queda por hacer e insistiré
And I will recall all that we have left to do and insist
Que solo lo hacemos por placer
That we only do it for pleasure
Y buscaremos, encontraremos
And let us search, let us find
El camino a seguir, el camino a seguir...
The path to follow, the path to follow...
Y recordaré todo los que nos queda por hacer e insistiré que solo lo hacemos pormplacer
And I will recall all that we have left to do and insist that we only do it for pleasure
Y buscaremos, encontraremos
And let us search, let us find
El camino a seguir, el camino...
The path to follow, the path...

Авторы: Alejandro Garcia Verdasco, Jordi Estivill Nonell, Nil Campderrich Delhort

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